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Volume 2, 2020 – Keyword index
Volume 2
Volume 2
Volume 2, 2020 – Keyword index
Explorations in 3D web cartography
, pages 1–1
3D cartography
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
AR-applications with historical maps
, pages 1–2
Interactive classification and spatial modeling of land cover changes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1990 to 2018
, pages 1–1
AR-applications with historical maps
, pages 1–2
Benefitting from GIS within Adobe’s Creative Cloud
, pages 1–1
ArcGIS Pro
Benefitting from GIS within Adobe’s Creative Cloud
, pages 1–1
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
administrative boundaries
Visualization of spatiotemporal data with different topology
, pages 1–2
advanced spatial analysis
Opportunities and precautions in the implementation of GIS-based analysis tools to cultural landscape restoration
, pages 1–2
age-related information
The atlas of aging society 2.0
, pages 1–1
Interactive Spatial Visualization of Aggregated Non-spatial Coronavirus Data
, pages 1–2
airline route maps
Design strategies for airline route maps, learning from the past
, pages 1–2
Current Challenges in Atlas Cartography
, pages 1–1
atlas of the aging society 2.0
The atlas of aging society 2.0
, pages 1–1
Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas – an Eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
Maps of Attractiveness of European Regions
, pages 1–1
augmented reality
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
Vektorisierung und Automatisierung am BEV – ein Zwischenbericht zur Erstellung von KM50-Vektor
, pages 1–2
Baltic Explorer
Enhancing interaction in maritime spatial planning workshops through collaborative GIS
, pages 1–2
Bratislava region
Interactive classification and spatial modeling of land cover changes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1990 to 2018
, pages 1–1
bike rental service
Spatiotemporal analysis of rental bike data in Budapest
, pages 1–1
brain drain
Cartographic Visualisation of Spatial Phenomenons within Creative Industries
, pages 1–1
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
Mobility Community Reports data: Geovisual analytics and cartographic synthesis of behaviour changes due to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
, pages 1–2
Cartographic Education
The Possibility of Developing Geographic and Cartographic Education using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Mapping Photography
, pages 1–1
Citizen Science
Visualising reporting patterns of Citizen Science observations and their importance for the interpretation of data and visualisations: the example of ornithological observations
, pages 1–1
Collaborative GIS
Enhancing interaction in maritime spatial planning workshops through collaborative GIS
, pages 1–2
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
Courses in Latin America
Tactile Cartography Courses in the Continued Education of Teachers from Latin America
, pages 1–2
The World at a Crossroads – The Need for Cartography and Cartographers: How cartographers can contribute as data integrators in finding solutions to global problems
, pages 1–1
cartographic grids
Detail or Disclosure – Towards a Visualisation of Confidentiality Related Spatial Damage to Demographic Grids
, pages 1–1
cartographic materials
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
cartographic projections
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
cartographic representation
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
cartographic representations
Explorations in 3D web cartography
, pages 1–1
cartographic semiology
Map symbol design: Presenting abstract topics with advanced symbology
, pages 1–2
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
More than identifiers: Map symbols and their connotative meaning
, pages 1–2
Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas – an Eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Key milestones of infographics evolution in cartography
, pages 1–1
Vektorisierung und Automatisierung am BEV – ein Zwischenbericht zur Erstellung von KM50-Vektor
, pages 1–2
Maps of Attractiveness of European Regions
, pages 1–1
Detail or Disclosure – Towards a Visualisation of Confidentiality Related Spatial Damage to Demographic Grids
, pages 1–1
Mobility Community Reports data: Geovisual analytics and cartographic synthesis of behaviour changes due to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
, pages 1–2
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Reference frame and map projection for irregular shaped celestial bodies
, pages 1–2
contentual facsimile
From the digital contentual facsimile of a globe map to a contemporaneous facsimile globe in 3D (The rebirth of Perczel’s globe)
, pages 1–2
contour lines
Upgrade of existing algorithms for creating contour lines on topographic maps of the karst surface
, pages 1–2
Interactive Spatial Visualization of Aggregated Non-spatial Coronavirus Data
, pages 1–2
creative industries
Cartographic Visualisation of Spatial Phenomenons within Creative Industries
, pages 1–1
crisis management
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
Visualising reporting patterns of Citizen Science observations and their importance for the interpretation of data and visualisations: the example of ornithological observations
, pages 1–1
cultural heritage
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
cultural landscape
Opportunities and precautions in the implementation of GIS-based analysis tools to cultural landscape restoration
, pages 1–2
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
Doctors Without Borders
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
data integration
The World at a Crossroads – The Need for Cartography and Cartographers: How cartographers can contribute as data integrators in finding solutions to global problems
, pages 1–1
Detail or Disclosure – Towards a Visualisation of Confidentiality Related Spatial Damage to Demographic Grids
, pages 1–1
Map symbol design: Presenting abstract topics with advanced symbology
, pages 1–2
digital reconstruction
From the digital contentual facsimile of a globe map to a contemporaneous facsimile globe in 3D (The rebirth of Perczel’s globe)
, pages 1–2
digitale Karten
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
digitale Lehrmittel
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
disclosure control
Detail or Disclosure – Towards a Visualisation of Confidentiality Related Spatial Damage to Demographic Grids
, pages 1–1
dynamic analysis
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
Mapping Photography
, pages 1–1
Benefitting from GIS within Adobe’s Creative Cloud
, pages 1–1
edge detection
Graphic map load comparison of two Czech school atlases using edge detection
, pages 1–1
Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas – an Eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas – an Eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
evaluation of cartographic multimedia
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
Key milestones of infographics evolution in cartography
, pages 1–1
expert opinion
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
exploratory spatial data analysis
Discovering the Unexpected & Explicable: Scientific Reasoning and Research Design for Spatial Data Analysis
, pages 1–2
Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
Student’s Reading of Thematic Maps from Czech School World Atlas – an Eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
eye-tracking experiment
Optimization of maps from public transport information systems
, pages 1–1
feature extraction
GeoAI for Topographic Mapping Feature Extraction to Knowledge Graph
, pages 1–1
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
Best for Braille Users: A Comparison of Mapping Software
, pages 1–1
Opportunities and precautions in the implementation of GIS-based analysis tools to cultural landscape restoration
, pages 1–2
The Possibility of Developing Geographic and Cartographic Education using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
GeoAI for Topographic Mapping Feature Extraction to Knowledge Graph
, pages 1–1
Geoinformation management
A new method for using historical street photography collections as a primary source for cartographic production
, pages 1–2
game engine
AR-applications with historical maps
, pages 1–2
gamer opinion
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
Visualization of spatiotemporal data with different topology
, pages 1–2
Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
geospatial knowledge graph
A Prototype Geospatial Knowledge Graph for National Topographic Mapping
, pages 1–1
geovisual analytics
Mobility Community Reports data: Geovisual analytics and cartographic synthesis of behaviour changes due to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
, pages 1–2
From the digital contentual facsimile of a globe map to a contemporaneous facsimile globe in 3D (The rebirth of Perczel’s globe)
, pages 1–2
graphical enrichment
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
Historical cartography
A new method for using historical street photography collections as a primary source for cartographic production
, pages 1–2
Historical photography
A new method for using historical street photography collections as a primary source for cartographic production
, pages 1–2
historical maps
AR-applications with historical maps
, pages 1–2
historico-geographical space
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
history of GIS
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
history of cartography
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
Benefitting from GIS within Adobe’s Creative Cloud
, pages 1–1
immersion way
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
Key milestones of infographics evolution in cartography
, pages 1–1
interactive web application
The atlas of aging society 2.0
, pages 1–1
Spatiotemporal analysis of rental bike data in Budapest
, pages 1–1
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
karst relief
Upgrade of existing algorithms for creating contour lines on topographic maps of the karst surface
, pages 1–2
knowledge graph
GeoAI for Topographic Mapping Feature Extraction to Knowledge Graph
, pages 1–1
land cover
Interactive classification and spatial modeling of land cover changes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1990 to 2018
, pages 1–1
land use change
Predicting Forest Change in Phu Phan National Park, Thailand Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images
, pages 1–1
Best for Braille Users: A Comparison of Mapping Software
, pages 1–1
Maritime Spatial Planning
Enhancing interaction in maritime spatial planning workshops through collaborative GIS
, pages 1–2
The Possibility of Developing Geographic and Cartographic Education using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Missing Maps
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
Maps of Attractiveness of European Regions
, pages 1–1
map complexity
Graphic map load comparison of two Czech school atlases using edge detection
, pages 1–1
map design
Current Challenges in Atlas Cartography
, pages 1–1
map evaluation
Graphic map load comparison of two Czech school atlases using edge detection
, pages 1–1
map load
Graphic map load comparison of two Czech school atlases using edge detection
, pages 1–1
map orientation
North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation
, pages 1–2
map projection
Reference frame and map projection for irregular shaped celestial bodies
, pages 1–2
map symbol design
Map symbol design: Presenting abstract topics with advanced symbology
, pages 1–2
map symbology
Map symbol design: Presenting abstract topics with advanced symbology
, pages 1–2
map symbols
More than identifiers: Map symbols and their connotative meaning
, pages 1–2
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
The World at a Crossroads – The Need for Cartography and Cartographers: How cartographers can contribute as data integrators in finding solutions to global problems
, pages 1–1
medieval stronghold
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
Key milestones of infographics evolution in cartography
, pages 1–1
Mobility Community Reports data: Geovisual analytics and cartographic synthesis of behaviour changes due to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
, pages 1–2
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
national mapping agencies
Vektorisierung und Automatisierung am BEV – ein Zwischenbericht zur Erstellung von KM50-Vektor
, pages 1–2
national topographic data
A Prototype Geospatial Knowledge Graph for National Topographic Mapping
, pages 1–1
national topographic map
Upgrade of existing algorithms for creating contour lines on topographic maps of the karst surface
, pages 1–2
North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation
, pages 1–2
Predicting Forest Change in Phu Phan National Park, Thailand Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images
, pages 1–1
Open Data
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
A new web map for the MeinGrün app
, pages 1–2
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
OpenStreetMap (OSM)
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
optimization of mapping
Optimization of maps from public transport information systems
, pages 1–1
Mapping Photography
, pages 1–1
Benefitting from GIS within Adobe’s Creative Cloud
, pages 1–1
Phu Phan national park
Predicting Forest Change in Phu Phan National Park, Thailand Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images
, pages 1–1
Visualising reporting patterns of Citizen Science observations and their importance for the interpretation of data and visualisations: the example of ornithological observations
, pages 1–1
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
planetary cartography
Reference frame and map projection for irregular shaped celestial bodies
, pages 1–2
predefined patterns
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
predicting forest change
Predicting Forest Change in Phu Phan National Park, Thailand Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images
, pages 1–1
projection analysis
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
public transport information systems
Optimization of maps from public transport information systems
, pages 1–1
Optimization of maps from public transport information systems
, pages 1–1
Raster Tiles
A new web map for the MeinGrün app
, pages 1–2
reference frame
North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation
, pages 1–2
remote sensing
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
Opportunities and precautions in the implementation of GIS-based analysis tools to cultural landscape restoration
, pages 1–2
reverse engineering techniques
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
rural region
Maps of Attractiveness of European Regions
, pages 1–1
Neue Aufgabenkultur für digitale Kartenarbeit im Schulunterricht mittels mobiler Geräte
, pages 1–2
Semantic Web
GeoAI for Topographic Mapping Feature Extraction to Knowledge Graph
, pages 1–1
Best for Braille Users: A Comparison of Mapping Software
, pages 1–1
Best for Braille Users: A Comparison of Mapping Software
, pages 1–1
Spatial Infrastructure
COVID-19 Dashboard Experiences – Lessons learned
, pages 1–1
Mapping Photography
, pages 1–1
schematic maps
Optimization of maps from public transport information systems
, pages 1–1
school atlases
Graphic map load comparison of two Czech school atlases using edge detection
, pages 1–1
scientific reasoning
Discovering the Unexpected & Explicable: Scientific Reasoning and Research Design for Spatial Data Analysis
, pages 1–2
semantic technology
A Prototype Geospatial Knowledge Graph for National Topographic Mapping
, pages 1–1
semi-automatic cartographic analysis
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
More than identifiers: Map symbols and their connotative meaning
, pages 1–2
shared data sources
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
small celestial body
Reference frame and map projection for irregular shaped celestial bodies
, pages 1–2
social media
Interactive Spatial Visualization of Aggregated Non-spatial Coronavirus Data
, pages 1–2
spatial analysis
Cartographic Visualisation of Spatial Phenomenons within Creative Industries
, pages 1–1
spatial cognition
North in the head: spatial reference frame and map orientation
, pages 1–2
spatial modeling
Interactive classification and spatial modeling of land cover changes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1990 to 2018
, pages 1–1
spatio-temporal analysis
Visualization of spatiotemporal data with different topology
, pages 1–2
spatiotemporal analysis
Spatiotemporal analysis of rental bike data in Budapest
, pages 1–1
state of the art
Explorations in 3D web cartography
, pages 1–1
The atlas of aging society 2.0
, pages 1–1
The atlas of aging society 2.0
, pages 1–1
Current Challenges in Atlas Cartography
, pages 1–1
Tracing Mental Models in Cartographic Datasets – The Case of OpenStreetMap
, pages 1–2
Mobility Community Reports data: Geovisual analytics and cartographic synthesis of behaviour changes due to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe
, pages 1–2
systematic literature review
Opportunities and precautions in the implementation of GIS-based analysis tools to cultural landscape restoration
, pages 1–2
Tactile Cartography
Tactile Cartography Courses in the Continued Education of Teachers from Latin America
, pages 1–2
Teacher training
Tactile Cartography Courses in the Continued Education of Teachers from Latin America
, pages 1–2
thematic maps
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
toopgraphic mapping
GeoAI for Topographic Mapping Feature Extraction to Knowledge Graph
, pages 1–1
transformation graph
Classifying Cartographic Projections Based on Dynamic Analysis of Program Code
, pages 1–1
Augmenting Printed School Atlases with Thematic 3D Maps
, pages 1–1
usability studies
Visualising reporting patterns of Citizen Science observations and their importance for the interpretation of data and visualisations: the example of ornithological observations
, pages 1–1
user study
Visual Inspection of Geological Maps: an eye-tracking Study
, pages 1–1
AR-applications with historical maps
, pages 1–2
Vector Tiles
A new web map for the MeinGrün app
, pages 1–2
Volunteered Geographic Information
Missing Maps Project and Its Use in Education
, pages 1–1
Vektorisierung und Automatisierung am BEV – ein Zwischenbericht zur Erstellung von KM50-Vektor
, pages 1–2
virtual reality
Experten und Computerspieler über eine Art, in die virtuelle Realität einzutauchen
, pages 1–1
visual clutter
Design strategies for airline route maps, learning from the past
, pages 1–2
visual communication
More than identifiers: Map symbols and their connotative meaning
, pages 1–2
visual impairments
Map symbol design: Presenting abstract topics with advanced symbology
, pages 1–2
Interactive Spatial Visualization of Aggregated Non-spatial Coronavirus Data
, pages 1–2
Cartographic Visualisation of Spatial Phenomenons within Creative Industries
, pages 1–1
Visualising reporting patterns of Citizen Science observations and their importance for the interpretation of data and visualisations: the example of ornithological observations
, pages 1–1
Cartography Through the Years – Personal Views About a Young Science
, pages 1–1
visualization strategies
Design strategies for airline route maps, learning from the past
, pages 1–2
Web Mapping
A new web map for the MeinGrün app
, pages 1–2
Mapping Photography
, pages 1–1
web application
Interactive classification and spatial modeling of land cover changes in the Slovak Republic in the period 1990 to 2018
, pages 1–1
Explorations in 3D web cartography
, pages 1–1
CC BY 4.0
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