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Volume 7, 2024 | European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 2024

9–11 September 2024, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Editor(s): Georg Gartner, Florian Ledermann, and Andrea Binn

Volume 7, 2024 | European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 2024

9–11 September 2024, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Editor(s): Georg Gartner, Florian Ledermann, and Andrea Binn
02 Sep 2024
Andrea Binn, Florian Ledermann, Ester Scheck, Sacha Schlumpf, and Georg Gartner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 1,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The use of graph convolutional networks in road selection for small-scale maps design
Albert Adolf and Izabela Karsznia
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 2,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Thematic Mapping Practice and Explanation (THEMPE) as an Open Educational Resource for Classroom Teaching
Zulfa Nur'aini 'Afifah
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 3,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Geospatial Metaphors in the Communication of Climate Change-Related Flooding Uncertainty
Owyn Aitken, Antoni Moore, Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Quyen Nguyen, Simon Cox, and Greg Bodeker
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 4,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Objective and Subjective Approaches in Mapping Happiness using SDG data and Gross National Happiness Index (GNHI)
Fahmi Amhar, Niken Ayu Safitri, and Dwi Wahyuningrum
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 5,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
An AI-Based Approach To Identify Spatio-Temporal Contribution Patterns And Their Impact On OpenStreetMap Data Quality
Nathan Damas Antonio, Silvana Camboim, and Alexander Zipf
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 6,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Deep Generation of Synthetic Training Data for the Automated Extraction of Semantic Knowledge from Historical Maps
Lukas Arzoumanidis, James Ormond Fethers, Sethmiya Herath Mudiyanselage, and Youness Dehbi
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 7,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Automatically generating virtual tours based on dense sets of 360° imagery
Dorian Baltzer, Alexander Naumann, Stephan Rosenberg, and Jan-Henrik Haunert
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 8,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Alternatives for visualisation of frontiers: fluid regionalisation
Martin Bartůněk and Jan D. Bláha
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 9,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
What do children’s maps tell us? Topical messages from the years 2005–2021
Giedrė Beconytė and Kristina Darija Norkevičė
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 10,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Exploring Methods for Revealing the Cognitive Structures of Map Information Extraction
Marketa Beitlova, Georg Gartner, Tomas Vanicek, Michaela Vojtechovska, Zdenek Joukl, and Stanislav Popelka
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 11,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Critical spots in undergraduate cartographic education: analysis of final tests and oral examinations
Jan D. Bláha, Petr Trahorsch, Martin Bartůněk, and Petr Hladík
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 12,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Temporal Navigation for Festival Maps on Mobile Devices
Dilara Bozkurt
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 13,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Global Earthquake Atlas. Investigating information design strategies to visualise earthquake data: a didactical perspective
Enrico Bravi
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 14,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Focusing on individual buildings within urban contexts through generalisation levels: an interdisciplinary approach to the visualization of 3D-city models
Carolin Bronowicz, Anne-Catherine Schröter, and Susanne Bleisch
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 15,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Professional Codes of Ethics for Organizations
Aileen R. Buckley
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 16,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Do road maps have ethics?
Ian Byrne
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 17,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Analysis of watercourses on Aretin's map of the Bohemian Kingdom from 1619
Miroslav Čábelka
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 18,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Development of a web-mapping application for storytelling with animations and guided interactions
Oana Candit, Ionuț Șandric, and Lucian Drăguț
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 19,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mapping Speed
William Cartwright, Kenneth Field, and Craig Molyneux
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 20,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Cartographic Visualisation of the Territorial Attractiveness
Otakar Cerba and Karel Jedlicka
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 21,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Atlas GeoInformation System and Model. Introduction
Viktor Chabaniuk and Olexandr Dyshlyk
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 22,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The 1:10.000.000 scale global base of the National Atlas of Spain
Artur Charoyan, Irene Calvo Alonso, and Marta García López
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 23,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
From Leaves to Forests: How to Map Stress in Plants due to Climate Change
Yi Zhen Chew, Ekaterina Chuprikova, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Nikolaus Obojes, Holger Kumke, and Liqiu Meng
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 24,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Strategies for pan-scalar map generalisation
Azelle Courtial and Guillaume Touya
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 25,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Geospatial analysis of land use and cover changes in the Ilo-Moquegua watershed
Osmar Cuentas Toledo, Alberto Bacilio Quispe Cohaila, and Aloísio Machado da Silva Filho
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 26,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Graphical similarity of cartographic symbols in a map-based search task
Paweł Cybulski and Florian Ledermann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 27,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Critical 21st century cartography education: identifying course content and instruction methods for the curriculum
Melissa del Carmen Ernstberger, Juliane Cron, and Olesia Ignateva
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 28,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The Atlas of Cartography: An Attempt to Spatialize Map Conceptions
Mihir Desai
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 29,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Investigating the Importance of Digital Surface Models for Building Segmentation with Deep Learning
Güren Tan Dinga
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 30,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Enclaves and exclaves in tilemaps
Benedikt Dinkler, Lukas Dötsch, Florian Hruby, Simon Korfmacher, Bjarne Kriese, Niklas Royar, and Joe Triassi
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 31,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Comparative Study of Polish and Czech Cross Country Movement Models
Filip Dohnal, Wojciech Dawid, and Martin Bureš
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 32,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
PictoAI: Increasing the Meaningfulness of Cartographic Pictograms Using Artificial Intelligence?
Jule Drews, Dennis Edler, Julian Keil, and Frank Dickmann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 33,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Karst relief geospatial analysis (Georgia, Chiatura Municipality)
Giorgi Dvalashvili
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 34,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Automated roof generation for the city of Olomouc using ArcGIS CityEngine
Ekanayaka Mudiyanselage Ruchira Dulanjith Ekanayaka, Jakub Zejdlik, Oldrich Bittner, Stanislav Popelka, Jaroslav Burian, Ondrej Ruzicka, Tomas Vanicek, and Ondrej Jakubec
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 35,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Human Machine Interface Design for Robotized Road Works in InfraROB project
Cristian Español-Alfonso, Jesús Balado, Mario Soilán, and Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 36,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Towards an automatic UAS-based mapping tool for first responders: Defibrillator Missions in Alpine Regions
Eliezer Fajardo Figueroa, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, and Michiel J. van Veelen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 37,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Monitoring and interactive mapping of illegal environmental activities on the example of Slovakia
Ján Feranec, Juraj Papčo, Šimon Opravil, Daniel Szatmári, Tomáš Goga, Róbert Fencík, Miloš Rusnák, Monika Kopecká, Róbert Pazúr, Jozef Nováček, Dominik Abrahám, and Michal Sviček
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 38,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
3D printing indoor evacuation plans for visually impaired people
Rubén Fernández-Abeijón, Jesús Balado, Francisco J. García-Corbeira, and Lucía Diaz-Vilariño
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 39,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The shining: sun, moon, and snowflakes
Kenneth Field
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 40,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Topographic Thesaurus of the BEV
Klaus Freitag
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 41,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Cartographic visualization of the effects of climate change: a practical application for the Atlas of Switzerland
Luca Gaia, Andreas Neumann, René Sieber, and Lorenz Hurni
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 42,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mapping rights done right? – An interactive web tool with user at its heart
Mariam Gambashidze, Jana Moser, Christian Hanewinkel, and Jakob Listabarth
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 43,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Compilation/Update of State Geological Maps in Georgia
George Gaprindashvili, Merab Gaprindashvili, Roman Kumladze, Omar Abutidze, Mamia Gamkrelidze, Maia Kordzadze, Tornike Gzirishvili, and Giorgi Lomidze
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 44,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Conceptual system of metacartography: the novelty of the Georgian scientific cartographic school in the theory of cartography
Tengizi Gordeziani
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 45,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Selected research issues in geovisualization of building interiors for the LBS
Dariusz Gotlib, Jakub Łobodecki, and Paweł Kowalski
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 46,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Benefits and challenges in cross media map production
Mathias Gröbe
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 47,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Crime regions in Lithuanian major cities and their suburbs
Kostas Gružas, Giedrė Beconytė, and Eduardas Spiriajevas
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 48,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Reflections of Global Crises in Childrens’ Maps of 2019–2023: Lithuania and Hungary
Kostas Gružas, Roberta Budreckaitė, Karolina Černiavska, Samanta Klusytė, Gabrielė Zubovič, Giedrė Beconytė, and José Jesús Reyes Nuñez
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 49,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Historical, legal and cartographic analysis of the formation of the Georgia-Azerbaijan state border (on the example of the David Gareji monastery complex and its surrounding area)
Gocha Gudzuadze, Nodar Khorbaladze, Tedo Gorgodze, Tengiz Gordeziani, and Gocha Jincharadze
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 50,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Towards Mapping Place Semantics: A Geosocial Media Data Approach for Geo-Semantic Analysis and Place Similarity Computation
Madalina Gugulica and Dirk Burghardt
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 51,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Integration Between 3D Spatial Planning and 3D Land Administration for Sustainable Development
Dogus Guler
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 52,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A New Spatiotemporal Pattern Mining to Explore Earthquake Dynamics
Roya Habibi and Ali Asghar Alesheikh
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 53,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
User preferences for 2D markings of public buildings in immersive 3D geovisualizations
Łukasz Halik and Beata Medyńska-Gulij
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 54,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
GIS-based management of a campus tree inventory for assessing optimal shade tree locations: a case study of National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
John F. Harrison, Steven Yueh-Jen Lai, and Yu-Hsiang Yeh
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 55,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Making the World a Better Place: Map by Map, Toponym by Toponym
Francis Harvey and Eric Losang
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 56,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A Breakdown of Subjective Reactions in Geo-Social Media and a Review of Their Cartographic Visualisation
Eva Hauthal and Dirk Burghardt
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 57,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Tailoring Base Maps: A Study on Air Quality Maps
Ulrike Holfeld
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 58,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Future opportunities for mobile thematic map design in data journalism
Lily Houtman
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 59,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Cartography: Facts, Figures, Fiction, Fake – or: 170 Years of Cartography at ETH Zurich
Lorenz Hurni
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 60,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
HexDTM - A method of thinning LiDAR point clouds using cartographic thematic data classification
Adam Inglot, Paulo Raposo, and Kristian Kozioł
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 61,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Spatial analysis of drug offences and their use registered by the Lithuanian Police in Vilnius City Municipality in 2015–2022
Gordonas Jankūnas
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 62,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Approaching geospatial trustworthiness with graph algorithms and maps
Markus Jobst, José Pablo Ceballos Cantú, Florian Twaroch, and Georg Gartner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 63,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The design of a location-based mobile service with augmented reality to capture perceptions of coloured photovoltaic scenarios in rural and urban environments
Catherine Emma Jones, Alexander Skinner, and Malte Helfer
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 64,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Vectorization of watercourse detection from neural network
Anssi Jussila, Christian Koski, and Pyry Kettunen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 65,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A pilot study of adapting, validating and further developing a map skills model to improve the teaching and learning of map reading at primary and secondary school level
Anett Kádár, Ádám Tóth, Viktor Pál, Zsolt Palatinus, Ervin Pirkhoffer, Gábor Varga, Tamás Száraz, Erika Homoki, László Sütő, Károly Teperics, and Péter Bagoly-Simó
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 66,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
What’s geographical names got to do with Climate Action?
Ayako Kagawa
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 67,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Exploring challenges of Large Language Models in estimating the distance
Mina Karimi and Krzysztof Janowicz
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 68,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Open-source tools and Open Science practices inspiring co-creation of geospatial data infrastructures – reflections from Finland and Tanzania
Niina Käyhkö, Juha Oksanen, Antti Vasanen, Msilikale Msilanga, Masoud M. Hamad, Kylli Ek, Venla Aaltonen, and Zakaria Ngereja
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 69,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Storytelling with Satellites: A Preliminary User Study of Satellite Data in the News
Meghan Kelly and Carolyn Fish
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 70,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Charting the Role of the Times Atlas in the Evolution of Trustworthy Cartography
Alexander J. Kent and Jethro Lennox
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 71,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A review of general perspective projections onto a cylinder
Krisztián Kerkovits
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 72,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A critical review of cognition and perception research Involving map projections
Fritz C. Kessler and Sarah E. Battersby
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 73,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Gathering a multicultural ontology of outdoor and hiking landmarks from direct terrain observations and sketch maps
Pyry Kettunen, Eva Nuhn, Marie-Dominique Van Damme, and Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 74,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Reflections on Penn State’s Embedded Geovisual Analytics Course: Travels to the European Union
Beth King, Fritz Kessler, and Georg Gartner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 75,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A sketch map tool for geography education
Barend Köbben and Matthias van den Brink
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 76,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Perfect Extremes: Mapping the Global Interplay of Droughts and Floods in a Changing Climate
Danai-Maria Kontou
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 77,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Effects of Human Mobility on the Spread of Disease-Transmitting Mosquitoes in Spain: Insights from Mobile Phone Data
Egor Kotov, Frederic Bartumeus, and John Palmer
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 78,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Issues faced when developing an atlas for both paper and online
Menno-Jan Kraak, Pei Nie, and Jakob Listabarth
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 79,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Developing a conceptual framework for usability evaluation of cartographic design principles in Mixed Reality applications
Irma Kveladze and Pyry Kettunen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 80,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Automatic digital rock drawing using a "ladder style" representation
Günter Kyncl and Jakub Lysák
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 81,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Building Facade Colors for Urban Navigation
Luka Laval and Florian Ledermann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 82,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Enriching river network data for multi-scale machine learning based selection: a case study of Poland and France
Bérénice Le Mao, Iga Ajdacka, Izabela Karsznia, Guillaume Touya, and Albert Adolf
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 83,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mapping as a Medium and Tool for Spatial Education – An Examination with Visual Methods
Antje Lehn
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 84,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Data Access Platform for Marine and Freshwater Applications
Lassi Lehto, Jaakko Kähkönen, Panu Muhli, and Juha Oksanen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 85,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Exploring new ways to zoom in maps
Yiyan Li and Guillaume Touya
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 86,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A new graph-based metric for modeling aggregated gaze behavior differences during map reading
Dimitrios Liaskos and Vassilios Krassanakis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 87,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Austrian vecMap – Vector Tiles for the Austrian Map Online
Johannes Liem, Klaus Freitag, and Philipp Mitterschiffthaler
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 88,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Atlas Cartography in Georgia
Guliza Liparteliani, Roman Kumladze, and Nato Sologhashvili
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 89,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Exploring the potential of NLP technology to generate textual descriptions of space for indoor navigation applications
Krzysztof Lipka, Dariusz Gotlib, and Kamil Choromański
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 90,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Automated polygon schematization for thematic maps: an integrative review
Jakob Listabarth and Dirk Burghardt
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 91,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
The Impact of Maps on Climate Information Communication: An Empirical User Study on Social Media Trustworthiness
Nianhua Liu, Yu Feng, Shengkai Wang, and Liqiu Meng
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 92,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A virtual environment designed for testing location-based services based on navigation simulation in the digital twin
Jakub Łobodecki and Dariusz Gotlib
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 93,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Materiality in Cartography, A First Attempt to Evaluate its Usefulness
Manuela Londoño Jiménez
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 94,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Spatio-Temporal Vertical Federated Learning to Overcome Data Sharing Limitations
Jose Antonio Lorencio Abril, Anita Graser, Axel Weißenfeld, and Anahid Wachsenegger
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 95,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Optimizing mobile map reading: An adaptive map approach in response to dynamic pedestrian context
Jan Łyczakowski
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 96,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Empowering Vulnerable Regions through Accessible Disaster Mapping: Developing User-Friendly Platforms for Underdeveloped Regions and Non-Specialists
Yuetong Ma and Hui Zeng
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 97,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Emotional maps: visualization of participatory mapping data based on user-testing
Daniela Machová, Jakub Lysák, and Lenka Krajňáková
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 98,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Accessibility approaches for thematic web maps
Samuel Darkwah Manu
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 99,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mosaics within Mosaics: The Anatomy of Portolan Atlases
Tome Marelić
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 100,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Perceptual Distortions in Cartography: Maps for Trickery
Nicolás Martínez Heredia and Florian Ledermann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 101,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Preferred cartographic representation for tourist information
Beata Medyńska-Gulij and Marek Krajewski
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 102,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Leveraging a Living Atlas of the World
Emily Meriam
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 103,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Leveraging machine learning and spectroscopic techniques towards estimating paper map scale levels
Nikolaos Merlemis, Anastasios Kesidis, Loukas-Moysis Misthos, and Vassilios Krassanakis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 104,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Insights at a Glance: Unravelling Spatial Trends with Bivariate Choropleth Mapping
Andrea Miletić, Ana Kuveždić Divjak, Karlo Kević, and Mattea Mamić
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 105,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Democratising nations by area through small multiples
Antoni Moore
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 106,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A Coastal Asset Risk Index (CARI) based on multi-criteria spatial analysis: New Zealand pilot study
Antoni Moore, Quyen Nguyen, Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Greg Bodeker, Simon Cox, and Owyn Aitken
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 107,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Eyes on the Street, Mind on the Ride: Decoding Stress in Active Mobility
Martin Moser, Merve Keskin, and Bernd Resch
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 108,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Prague Squared
Josef Münzberger
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 109,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Using AR visual positioning system to visualise an extinct village Zhůří
František Mužík
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 110,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Cartographic Aspects of Landslide and Mudflow Hazard Assessment in Kakheti Region (Georgia)
Tinatin Nanobashvili and George Gaprindashvili
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 111,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Critical mapping: Rote Wien, an X-RAY of Vienna’s social housing
Camila Narbaitz Sarsur and Mihir Desai
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 112,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Fill the map: Integrating objective data and citizen knowledge for Participatory Urban Planning
Camila Narbaitz Sarsur
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 113,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
POI VizNet: New QGIS Tool to Construct Visibility Networks in Cities
Asya Natapov, Sagi Dalyot, and Achituv Cohen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 114,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Scanning indoor environments with Microsoft HoloLens 2 for interactive generation of floor plans
Juan C. Navares-Vázquez, Silvia M. González-Collazo, Pedro Arias, and Jesús Balado
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 115,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Panel: Toward an ICA Code of Conduct
Chelsea Nestel, Aileen Buckley, Serena Coetzee, Melissa del Carmen Ernstberger, Menno-Jan Kraak, and Katarzyna Słomska-Przech
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 116,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Migrating the Atlas of Switzerland to the Web: A comparative analysis of 2D and 3D open-source web rendering frameworks
Andreas Neumann, Alexander Müdespacher, Remo Eichenberger, and Lorenz Hurni
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 117,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Unusual geography in The Atlas of Unusual Borders and The Atlas of Microstates books
Zoran Nikolić
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 118,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mapping the X-Minute City: Visualizing how different types of residents interact with their “15-Minute Cities”
Natalie O’Dell and Florian Ledermann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 119,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Animated interactive 3D cartography in VR applications
Helge Olberding
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 120,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Insights from a Decade of Participatory Mapping: Case Study of EmotionalMaps project
Jiri Panek
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 121,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Revolutionizing Marine Litter spatiotemporal mapping combining UAV – Citizen Science & Machine Learning
Apostolos Papakonstantinou, Argyrios Moustakas, Dimitrios Simos, and Konstantinos Topouzelis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 122,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A Second Look at Label Density in Large-Scale Online Maps
Michael P. Peterson and Paul Hunt
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 123,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Colour Design for Crisis Maps
Ivana Petrakovic, Andrea Binn, and Georg Gartner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 124,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Enhancing Quality Control Standards for Armenia's National Spatial Data Infrastructure: A Python-based Approach with Emphasis on Road Spatial Data Layers
Mariam Petrosyan, Artak Piloyan, and Paruyr Efendyan
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 125,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
“Base Map” - a new vector tiles-based map for mobile applications
Karsten Pippig, Christoph Streit, and Sebastian Denier
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 126,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Automated system of generating military maps of passability
Krzysztof Pokonieczny
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 127,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Influence of cartographic training on color scale usability
Stanislav Popelka, Tereza Vítková, and Kamila Fačevicová
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 128,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Utilizing geospatial operations to enhance the visual impression in AR and VR
Patrick Postert
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 129,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Browsing Map Browsers
Quentin Potié, Guillaume Touya, Laura Wenclik, and William Mackaness
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 130,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Diversity of dialect maps
Jakub Pozdisek, Vit Vozenilek, and Martina Ireinova
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 131,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Inferring users’ tasks on maps based on eye movement and EEG data
Tong Qin and Haosheng Huang
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 132,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Online Statistical Thematic Atlas
Oren Raz
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 133,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Web-based visualization of static and dynamic HD road traffic map layers
Karl Rehrl, Stefan Eisl, and Andreas Wagner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 134,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Spatial distribution of cemeteries in Lithuania
Augustas Reikertas and Neringa Mačiulevičiūtė–Turlienė
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 135,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Experiences using maps and story maps in the BIO-MAPS project (Online Map Library of European writers and poets)
José Jesús Reyes Nunez and Krisztina Irás
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 136,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Mapping for Sustainable Development: Comparing different mapping techniques for monitoring mangroves to reach SDG 15 and 6
Britta Ricker, Maarten Eppinga, Sharona Jurgens, and Eric Mijts
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 137,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Hazardous Waste Litigation and Mapping: A template for designing maps of climate change attribution
Lucinda Roberts and Carolyn Fish
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 138,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Using AI to Generate Accessibility Descriptions for Maps
Anthony C. Robinson and Amy L. Griffin
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 139,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Near Real-Time Mapping to Estimate Snow Cover Fraction Area
Gisela Romero Candanedo, Ekaterina Chuprikova, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Holger Kumke, and Liqiu Meng
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 140,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
A Design Challenge for Enhancing Cartographic Research, Education, & Outreach
Robert E. Roth
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 141,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Presentation of the book “Population, Human Settlements and Society” of the National Atlas of Spain. Updates and new applied approaches
Irene Sahagún Luis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 142,,, 2024
02 Sep 2024
Communication via maps in the field of radiation protection: effects of visualized information on risk perception, risk understanding and intended protective behaviours
Gertrud Schaab, Annette Cerulli-Harms, and Constanze Rossmann
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 143,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Perceiving Dark Mode Colour Schemes in Choropleth Maps
Jochen Schiewe
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 144,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Evaluation of the Encoding of Quantitative Data in Multitemporal Maps Based on Spatial Unit Sizes
Jochen Schiewe and Johannes Wolf
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 145,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Space as a Metaphor – Design Guidelines and Evaluation of Map Imitation
Sacha Schlumpf, Georg Gartner, Yuri Engelhardt, and Jethro Lennox
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 146,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
The Third Dimension in Web Maps – Experience Based on a Vector Tiles Service for the State of Bavaria
Johann Sehner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 147,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Landmark-Based Indoor Navigation Model through Human Route Descriptions
Alper Sen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 148,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Efficient operator annotation for deep learning in cartographic building generalization
Joris Senn, Cheng Fu, Zhiyong Zhou, and Robert Weibel
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 149,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Evaluative Mapping and Geospatial Analysis of Georgian Viticulture
Manana Sharashenidze and Davit Shavlakadze
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 150,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of the Diffusion of Residential Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Luxembourg (2017-2023)
Alexander Skinner and Catherine Emma Jones
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 151,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
OSM positional accuracy assessment and visualization for different user needs
Andriani Skopeliti and Savvas Vasileiadis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 152,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Cartographic generalization for multi-scale thematic maps
Andriani Skopeliti and Evangelos Voulgarakis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 153,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Tri-Space Modeling and Visualization: Concept, Implementation, and a Case Study in Wildfire Recovery
André Skupin and Timothy M. Schempp
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 154,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Beethoven in Wien
Nathaniel G. Slaughter IV
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 155,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Application of relational analysis in the historiography of cartography – case study of Polish Cartographical Review bibliography
Katarzyna Słomska-Przech and Beata Konopska
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 156,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Some reflections on ethics in the Brazilian cartography and its consequences in socioenvironmental problems
Claudia Robbi Sluter, João Vitor Meza Bravo, and Silvana Philippi Camboim
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 157,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Using open and collaborative data to improve the Brazilian topographic mapping in protected areas
Claudia Robbi Sluter, Luana Daniela da Silva Peres, João Igor Oliveira Dorneles, Luiz Felipe Velho, and Silvana Philippi Camboim
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 158,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Specifics and possibilities of cartography for festival events on the example of Anifilm Liberec, Czech Republic
Jiří Šmída and Daniel Vrbík
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 159,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Assessing the Suitability of Data Classification Methods for Choropleth Maps Depicting Population Distribution in South Africa
Lourens Snyman, Serena Coetzee, and Victoria Rautenbach
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 160,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
A map alone or with a company? User study on redundancy in maps and other forms of data visualization
Marta Solarz and Izabela Gołębiowska
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 161,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Large-Scale Phenomena and Small-Scale Heterogeneous Data: Cartographic Challenges in a Cross-Border Comparison of Healthcare Systems
Sebastian Specht, Mark Schweda, and Andreas Hein
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 162,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Drought, Heatwaves, and Fire Weather and its Cartographic Visualization
Zdeněk Stachoň, Petr Kubíček, Lukáš Dolák, Radim Štampach, and Jan Řehoř
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 163,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
The OpenGazetteer of Open Maps for Europe and Minority Toponyms
Roman Stani-Fertl
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 164,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
A new integrated cartographic visualisation framework at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office
Ludivine Stofer and Thomas Schulz
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 165,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Navigating through History: Development of Units of Length in Nautical Charts Depicting the Adriatic Sea, ca. 1270–1824
Julijan Sutlović
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 166,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Comparison of spatial orientation using topographic map and orthophotomap in a virtual environment representing urban space
Cyprian Święch, Klaudia Bezler, Maciej Górzyński, Zofia Czerwińska, Marcin Jaremko, and Tymoteusz Horbiński
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 167,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Measurement of spectral reflectance of map image
Václav Talhofer, Radim Bloudíček, and Filip Dohnal
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 168,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Designing Mobile-Optimized Cartograms
Atima Tharatipyakul, Simon T. Perrault, Chen-Chieh Feng, and Michael T. Gastner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 169,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Eight Stories High, Comically Lo-Res, Visible for Twenty Miles: Spiraling Maps Atop Salesforce Tower
Eric Theise
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 170,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Learning Building Floor Numbers from Crowdsourced Streetview Images
Yifan Tian, Yao Sun, and Xiao Xiang Zhu
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 171,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Arctic seas data cube based on discrete global grid system
German Titov and Pavel Kargashin
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 172,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Positivism reflections in Soviet cartography
German Titov and Irina Lurie
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 173,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Using Field Maps to monitor environmental and social impacts on Morava Corridor motorway construction in Serbia
Marko Tošić, Marco Otto, Luka Grujić, and Jelena Stošić
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 174,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Detecting differences between the map reading strategies of novice and expert students of geography: A pilot study
Ádám Tóth, Viktor Pál, Zsolt Palatinus, Péter Bagoly-Simó, and Anett Kádár
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 175,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Recording the Use of InteractiveWeb Maps with ZoomTracker
Guillaume Touya, Rieulle Brusq, Lilia Campo, Vanessa Pech, and Laura Wenclik
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 176,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
“Rethinking” school atlases with the AtlaSH
Pascal Tschudi
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 177,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Multi-directional Analytical Hill-Shading for Enhanced Cartographic Relief Presentation
Nikos Tzelepis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 178,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Interactive 2D Visualizations of Olomouc's Development as Tools for Revitalizing Cultural Heritage
Tomas Vanicek, Stanislav Popelka, Jaroslav Burian, Ondrej Ruzicka, Jakub Zejdlik, Oldrich Bittner, and Ondrej Jakubec
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 179,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Deep learning for map generalization: Experimenting with coastline data at different map scales
Maria Viore, Anastasios L. Kesidis, and Vassilios Krassanakis
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 180,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Eye-Tracking in Formal Education. Understanding Map Reading Skills and Their Development
Nikolaus von Schmettau, Péter Bagoly-Simó, and Anett Kádár
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 181,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
OpenStreetMap data quality assessment according to ISO 19157-1:2023 for Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Adna Vukalić, Mihaela Triglav Čekada, and Dušan Petrovič
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 182,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Supporting Spatial Learning with the Indoor Sign InteGrated Navigation System
Wangshu Wang, Haosheng Huang, and Georg Gartner
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 183,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Simplification and aggregation of vector building footprints using deep learning models
Yanning Wang and Yu Feng
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 184,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Changes in the extent of a glacier based on topographic maps and satellite images - possibilities and limitations on the example of the de Ferpecle glacier
Małgorzata Wieczorek, Piotr Owczarek, and Michał Łopuch
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 185,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Interactive visualizations for assessing car-to-bicycle overtaking manoeuvres
Hannah Wies, Moritz Beeking, and Karl Rehrl
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 186,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
A Story of Space and Sound - Affordance of Sound in Cartographic Storytelling
Nicole Yeung
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 187,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Spatial knowledge acquisition in mobile map-assisted navigation: a real-world longitudinal study
Qi Ying, Christopher Hilton, and Sara Irina Fabrikant
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 188,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Mini-map design as a cartographic element of the user interface - based on video games
Krzysztof Zagata and Beata Medyńska-Gulij
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 189,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Cartographic sources in the immersive geovisualization of a medieval stronghold
Jakub Zawadzki and Beata Medyńska-Gulij
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 190,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Enhancing urban functional regions classification by integrating multi-source data with a heterogeneous graph neural network
Pengxin Zhang and Min Yang
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 191,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Map of Darkness: How Nighttime Lights Trace the Impact of War in Ukraine
Mikhail Zhizhin, Christopher Elvidge, and Tilottama Ghosh
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 192,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Spatial Analysis of Social Networks in Urban Environments: Integrating Big Data and Cartographic Techniques for Understanding Mobility Patterns
Lika Zhvania and Jukka M. Krisp
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 193,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
OD-Vis: A Map-based Dashboard for Insight Discovery of OD Data
Chenyu Zuo, Miloš Balać, Jascha Grübel, and Kay W. Axhausen
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 194,,, 2024
03 Sep 2024
Spatial knowledge in encyclopedias and atlases - structural commonalities and differences in the production of space
Eric Losang
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 195,,, 2024
06 Sep 2024
Grammar to Graph, an Approach for Semantic Transformation of Annotations to Triples
Dalia E. Varanka and Emily Abbott
Abstr. Int. Cartogr. Assoc., 7, 196,,, 2024
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