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Volume 5, 2022 – Keyword index

Volume 5, 2022 – Keyword index


AIS data ALOS World 3D Accessibility Accessibility Time Index Adriatic Sea Africa Al-Hasakeh Animal Tracking Anthropocene Arcgis Arctic Art in Cartography Atlas Atlas Issues Atlas concept Automated generalization Automatic Georeferencing Automation Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Avezzano academic cartography adaptable symbols administrative division advertising map affinity spaces air traffic data algorithm alpine orientation altimetric data altitudes analysis analytical map animated map archaeological cartography area cartograms area-solar radiation area-to-point kriging atlas atlases augmented reality automated map creation


COVID-19 Carthography Cartographic Grids Cartographic Models (KM) Cartography Cartography M.Sc. Cartoheritage Catholic Church Census Mapping Central Europe Cherven Children Maps Classification Climate change Cold War Color Spaces Combining satellite assets Communication Compass Roses Competences Concept Map Copernicus Copernicus Emergency Management Service Copernicus GLO-30 Copernicus Land Monitoring Service Covid-19 maps Creative Methodologies Cyprus Czechia cartograms cartographic backgrounds cartographic communication cartographic design cartographic education cartographic generalisation cartographic heritage cartographic interaction cartographic literacy cartographic schools cartographic symbolization cartographic symbols cartographic synthesis cartographic visualization cartography change mapping chronological review co-occurrence analysis cognitive process collaborative development collaborative mapping color palette generation color palette testing communication graphics comparison components concepts of nation concordance constrained resources containership contaminants content analysis continuous generalisation contour lines converter correctness of the development of maps crime critical cartography cultural heritage cultural-historical heritage culture curriculum cycling cylindrical projection


DEM DEM fusion Data Dialect Digital Cartographic Model 1:50.000 (KM50) Digital Humanities Digital Landscape Model Digital atlases Digital elevation model Disaster Disaster Management Distance data data collection data graphics data integration data journalism data visualization deep learning design dialect maps dialects diffuse reflectance spectroscopy digital atlas digital cartographic products exploration digital edition digital elevation model digital humanities digital mapping digital participation tool digital skills digital storytelling digital twin disaster prevention drainage drones


ESRI File Geodatabase (.gdb) East Africa Education Emotions Environmental mapping Episodic Data Esri Este court Estonia EuroCarto 2022 Ever Given early 19th century maps earth observation earthquake education electroencephalogram (EEG) emoji emotional geography energy systems environment environmental decision support environmental history exaggeration exonym exploratory spatial data analysis eye tracking eye-tracking


GDAL GIS GNSS GPS Generalization GeoAI GeoPackage (.gpkg) GeoServer Geocoder Gerecse Hills GraphHopper Ground Control Points game engine gazetteer generalisation generalisation partitioning generalization geo-communication geo-social media geocommunication geodiversity geoexploration geographic information system geographic relevance geographical atlas geographical communication geographical education geographically weighted regression geography geography education geoheritage geological maps geopolitics and cartography geosciences geosite geospatial analysis geospatial data integration geospatial data visualization geovisual analysis geovisualisation geovisualization graph convolutional neural network graphic map load grid pattern guidelines


High-Speed Rail History Human perception Hungary hGIS happiness hatch fill head/tails classification health communication heat map heat maps hillforts historic maps historical GIS historical cartography historical city model historical data historical maps history hydrogen


INEGI Imagology Immersive Virtual Environments Indonesia-Bali Institute's World Atlas imaginations immersive exploration indoor information retrieval information visualization infrastructure interactive map interactive visualization interdisciplinary research international survey interpolation interpretation interpretation of spatial situations


Kozen’s Geographical Atlas


LCZ generator LCZC Landmarks Leaflet League of Legends LiDAR Linked Data Local climate zones land cover land cover analysis landmark landmark attraction effect landscape reconstruction language language mapping learning legendary beasts library linguistic atlas literature localization location-based social media locator locomotion


Map Design Map Use Map matching Mapping Maps Marsica Master thesis Medical Geography Mixed Reality (MR)-based navigation Mobile cartography Modal Split Mode of Expression Modena Movement Analysis Multimodal Mobility Multiscale Panable Map (MSP) maki map map application map comparison map complexity map content map design map encoding map experiment map functionality map generalisation map generalization map legend map projection map readability map reading map recognition map scale exaggeration map skills map symbol map symbol similarity map tasks map use map-based storytelling mapping borders maps maritime routes marketing maps medieval minimum dimensions minority language minority place names missing geospatial data mobile map motion planning multi-hazard multi-scale anchor multi-scale dataset multi-scale map multiple representation multiple scale maps multiple view multivariate map symbols mythical creatures mythology


National atlases Nautical Charts Network Analysis Non-representational theory narrative national atlas natural hazard navigational charts needs assessment night-time light satellite sensor images non-photorealistic rendering normalisation


OGC API Joins Open Source OpenCV OpenStreetMap object location memory oil spill old maps old maps’ analysis online tourist map ontology open areas open data open educational resources open source GIS


Pandemic Place Recommendation PlanGIS Point of interest Poland Preface Public Transport PxWeb API Python Scripts paper maps parishes participation participatory mapping partitioning past typhoon patch creation tool pathfinding algorithm pattern detection peacekeeping deployment maps pedestrian pedestrian wayfinding place names places platform point symbols point symbols design political geography pollinators port congestion preattentive effect preattentive features print cartography prospects prototyping public transport


Roads raster manipulation recommender systems reference maps regional attractiveness remote mouse tracking remote sensing renewable energy risk index road infrastructure road network road safety route communication route memorability route planning routing


SDG SDI SE Europe Salient Features Scanned Maps Scene complexity of real-world environments Scene features Semantic Web technologies Semi-Automatic Production Similarity Skills Smart Agriculture Smart City Smart Mobility Social Media Spatial Accessibility Spatial Information Infrastructure Spatial inaccuracy Spatio-Temporal Analysis Spatiotemporal Informatization Speculative Art Statistical Abstract Story Telling StoryMaps Storytelling Street-view panorama Suez Canal blockade Sustainable Development Goals Symbols Syria satellite data school atlas school maps scientific committee and reviewers scientific reasoning sea secant parallel secondary school segmentation selection semantics semiotics sequence alignment method similar typhoon simplification ski touring maps small screen devices small settlements societal acceptance solar energy potential solar geometry solar incidence soundscape space-time data cube spatial analysis spatial clustering spatial cognition spatial data spatial distribution spatial downscaling spatial epidemiology spatial formats spatial orders spatial-temporal analysis spatially oriented infographics spatio-temporal data spatio-temporal event data spatiotemporal cartography sponsored maps standard parallel statistical saliency model story mapping story maps storymap storytelling strongholds style survey swipe symbol symbol analysis symbology systematic cartography


Taxonomy Teacher Textual Contents Thematic maps Theoretical Cartography Time-Space Topographic Data Store Entity Catalogue Topography Transportation tactile map teaching techno-economic analysis the Adriatic Sea thematic cartography thematic map thematic mapping thematic maps time dependent time-driven map topographic topographic bases topographic map topographic mapping topographic maps topographical map topographical maps toponym toponymy traffic injury trajectory mapping transit maps transport mapping trends tropics typhoon path typicality


UAV Uncertainty United Nations Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Urban Traffic Urban planning Usability and Cognition u-net uncertainty urban growth urbanonyms user centered design user interface user studies user study user-centered design


VGI VR Valheim Vallard Atlas Vector tiles Vienna University of Technology Virtual Reality Visual Analysis Visual Analytics Visualisation Visualization Vltava river Volunteered Geographic Information Voronoi diagram vector map video game video games video questionnaire violence virtual reality visual analytics visual heterogeneity visual impairment visual storytelling visualisation visualization visually complex environment


Watersheds Web Cartography and Map Services warning wastewater epidemiology web GIS web map web mapping web maps web-based visualisations webGIS webapplication webgis wetlands wine workflow
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