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Abstracts of the ICA
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Articles | Volume 6
12 Aug 2023
 | 12 Aug 2023

Neural Network Modelling of Crop Phenology in Support of Agricultural Monitoring – A Base Map Approach

André Skupin, Kyle Jones, and Trent Biggs

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Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2023
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Rapid assessment of abrupt urban mega-gully and landslide events with structure-from-motion photogrammetric techniques validates link to water resources infrastructure failures in an urban periphery
Napoleon Gudino-Elizondo, Matthew W. Brand, Trent W. Biggs, Alejandro Hinojosa-Corona, Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, Eddy Langendoen, Ronald Bingner, Yongping Yuan, and Brett F. Sanders
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 523–538,,, 2022
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