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Volume 1, 2019 – Author index
Volume 1
Volume 1
Volume 1, 2019 – Author index
Abdul Rasam, A. R.
Disease Mapping and Spatial Landscape Characterization of Tuberculosis Ecology in Malaysia
, pages 1–2
Abdulla, R.
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Water Consumption at Public Institutions: Case of the United Arab Emirates University
, pages 1–1
Ahmed, Y.
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Water Consumption at Public Institutions: Case of the United Arab Emirates University
, pages 1–1
Ahn, J.
Mobile Geographic Visualization Service for Marine Safety Information based on Geo-Location Based Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Ai, H.
Collecting reliable training data to extract tourism strolling behaviour from smartphone GPS logs during walking
, pages 1–2
Ai, T.
Point Label Placement on Hexagonal Map Grids
, pages 1–2
A Self-Adaptive Method of Multi-scale POI Visualization in Indoor Map
, pages 1–2
Run length coding and efficient compression of hexagonal raster data based on Gosper curve
, pages 1–2
Akimoto, H.
Geography education by the combination use of GIS and AR – Practices in National Institution of Technology, Toyama College
, pages 1–2
Akiyama, Y.
The topography of the world by IN-YOU-ZU
, pages 1–2
AlSumaiti, T.
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Water Consumption at Public Institutions: Case of the United Arab Emirates University
, pages 1–1
Alekseenko, N.
Features of creating multi-time thematic animations of the Arctic environment pollution on the example of Novaya Zemlya
, pages 1–1
Long-term analysis of irrational water use processes based on cartographic materials and remote sensing data
, pages 1–1
Alesheikh, A. A.
Managing coverage holes in IoT monitoring sensor networks
, pages 1–2
Algura, P. O.
Living Among the Dead in the Manila North Cemetery: A Cartographic Re-Imagination
, pages 1–2
Altić, M.
From Coast to Coast: The Mapping of the Adriatic Sea by the Joint Forces of the Austro-Hungarian and Italian Hydrographic Offices
, pages 1–1
Anderson, C.
Quantifying Emotion: Survey Methods and Sentiment Analysis in Cartographic Design Research
, pages 1–2
Ando, A.
Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Andreadis, O.
Mapping refugee litters in the eastern coast of Lesvos using UAS, an emerging marine litter problem
, pages 1–2
Andrienko, G.
Creating Maps of Artificial Spaces for Exploring Trajectories
, pages 1–2
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Andrienko, N.
Creating Maps of Artificial Spaces for Exploring Trajectories
, pages 1–2
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Andris, C.
Methods for the Geographic Representation of Interpersonal Relationships and Social Life
, pages 1–2
Angehrn, P.
The Swiss joint information platform for natural hazards
, pages 1–2
Antaluca, E.
Is the neighbourhood a level suited to the thermal evaluation of energy loss from buildings?
, pages 1–2
Arahori, T.
The role of disease maps in influenza epidemiological surveillance in Japan
, pages 1–2
Arce-Nazario, J. A.
Geovisualizing space and time in a science-art exhibit
, pages 1–2
Arikawa, M.
Visual-Inertial Odometer-Based Global High Precision Indoor Human Navigation in a University Library
, pages 1–2
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
No Sudden Audio Switch – Preventing discontinuous POI audio playing in LBS
, pages 1–2
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Arriaga-Varela, E. J.
Automatic Georeferencing of Heterogeneous Historic and Illustrated Maps
, pages 1–2
Arruda, L. M. S. D.
Mind maps produced by visual impaired students
, pages 1–2
Arsentyeva, M.
Features of creating multi-time thematic animations of the Arctic environment pollution on the example of Novaya Zemlya
, pages 1–1
Arundel, S. T.
Automated summit spot height generation for modern topographic mapping
, pages 1–1
Asami, Y.
Bayesian Geographical Multi-Dimensional Scaling
, pages 1–2
Estimation of building shape by block size
, pages 1–2
Austin, C. R.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Avelar, L. J.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Baaru, M. W.
Effect of Land tenure change on Land use in Machakos County, Kenya
, pages 1–3
Baciocchi, S.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Baer, H.-R.
Web Cartography going public: Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for cartographic prosumers
, pages 1–3
Bai, Y.
Spatial structure evolution of China railway network in the past century
, pages 1–2
Bakanova, M. Y.
Cartographic support of design, construction and operation of underground gas storage in rock salt
, pages 1–2
Baker, K.
Mapping New Zealand 2025 – A National Perspective
, pages 1–2
Barańska, E.
A city in liquid modernity: a sociological perspective
, pages 1–1
Barioni, I.
Proposition of a Schematization Plugin for QGIS
, pages 1–2
Barvir, R.
TouchIt3D: Technology (not only) for Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
The Specifics of Cartographic Semiology in Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
Batunova, E.
Housing issue in shrinking Russian cities: mapping the reality
, pages 1–2
Beconytė, G.
Spatial Component Models with Artificial Neural Networks for Spatially Constrained Regionalization
, pages 1–2
Bell, S.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
Ben Rebah, M.
Mapping votes and representing power: Spatio-temporal and multiscalar analysis of electoral results in Tunisia between 2011 and 2018
, pages 1–1
Bergmann, L.
Mapping dynamic, non-Euclidean spaces
, pages 1–2
Bestgen, A.-K.
Grid overlays reduce bias in mental representations of topographic maps
, pages 1–1
Bettaieb, B.
Spatial Analysis of Tourist Spots in Central Tokyo Using Online Geotagged Photographs from Flickr
, pages 1–1
Betts, H.
Analysing and visualizing spatio-temporal landslide patterns
, pages 1–2
Bień, A.
A history of the city written in a map – cartography as the mirror of socio-political events in Gdańsk in the years of 1918–1939
, pages 1–1
Binn, A.
Effects of valence on selecting and memorizing spatial information from road maps
, pages 1–1
Analysing and visualizing spatio-temporal landslide patterns
, pages 1–2
Birov, T.
Historical maps and landscape analysis
, pages 1–2
Bleisch, S.
A visual approach to creating multivariate geovisualization test data
, pages 1–2
Blick, G.
Mapping New Zealand 2025 – A National Perspective
, pages 1–2
Bobrich, J.
Rapid Mapping for German Federal Authorities
, pages 1–2
Brockmeyer, T.
Automated Extraction of Drainage Channels and Roads through Deep Learning
, pages 1–2
Brovelli, M. A.
Mobile Tools for Community Scientists
, pages 1–3
Brus, J.
TouchIt3D: Technology (not only) for Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
The Specifics of Cartographic Semiology in Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
Buckley, A. R.
Sharing Collections of Historical Maps Online
, pages 1–2
Ten Telltale Signs of Novice Cartography
, pages 1–2
Budas, C. V.
Geospatial and Simulation a Point of Convergence
, pages 1–1
Burgess, A.
A note on the Relationship between Spatial Recognition and Behavior while Walking in the City
, pages 1–2
Burghardt, D.
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Developing and Evaluating Multi-Scale Map Styles: Creating a Multi-Scale Legend
, pages 1–2
Action, Emotion, Opinion – A Taxonomy of Human Reactions Expressed in Location-Based Social Media
, pages 1–2
El Bchari, F.
Flash Flood Hazard Mapping Using Satellite Images and GIS Tools: A case study of the central High Atlas (Morocco)
, pages 1–1
Cahyono, A.
A preliminary study of geographical names research: Review of cartography education & research in Indonesia
, pages 1–1
Cai, H.
Spatial Modeling of Disaster Resilience in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
, pages 1–2
Scale effects on land loss modeling in the Mississippi River Delta
, pages 1–1
Caie, S.
Mapping New Zealand 2025 – A National Perspective
, pages 1–2
Cajthaml, J.
Transformation of the Vltava Historical Riverine Landscape within the Modern Times
, pages 1–2
Calder, B.
Validation of the shoal-biased pattern of bathymetric information on nautical charts
, pages 1–2
Camboim, S. P.
Defensive Architecture Mapping: a case study in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
, pages 1–2
A proposal of topographic map symbols for large-scale maps of urban areas in Brazil
, pages 1–2
Cammack, R. G.
Using Internet Streamed Data for Sport Visualization
, pages 1–1
Cao, M.
Analysis on the Riding Characteristics of Mobike Sharing Bicycle in Beijing City, China
, pages 1–2
Carman, R.
Mapping New Zealand 2025 – A National Perspective
, pages 1–2
Cartwright, W.
Emotion maps
, pages 1–2
Another New Design for an Old Map
, pages 1–2
Mapping Perception of Place through Emotion, Memory, Senses, and the Imaginary
, pages 1–2
Cha, C.-J.
Geo-visualization of antibiotic resistance based on web map service
, pages 1–1
Chadeyron, J.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Chan, A.
Automated summit spot height generation for modern topographic mapping
, pages 1–1
Chan, N.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Chang, C.-Y.
Geostatistical mapping of land prices in Taiwan Case: an empirical comparison of ordinary kriging
, pages 1–1
Charvát, K.
Innovative Geospatial and Cartographic Approaches to Identification, Analysis, and Visualisation of Land Degradation
, pages 1–2
Che, L.
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Chen, L. L.
The transition process of aerosol distribution state with spatio-temporal analysis based on MODIS product
, pages 1–2
Chen, N.
Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
, pages 1–3
Chen, S.
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Chen, X.
A systematic evaluation of accessibility measures by the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method
, pages 1–2
Chen, Y.
Calculate Accurate 3D Cost Distance Efficiently
, pages 1–1
Context-Aware POI Sequence Recommendation with Attention-Based Neural Network
, pages 1–2
Indoor path visualization method based on the spatial characteristics of indoor environment
, pages 1–2
Cheng, W.-M.
Automatic crater detection by mining existing crater map
, pages 1–1
Cheng, Y.
DEM based Terrain Sketch Mapping in a Loess Landform by considering visual hierarchy and feature generalization
, pages 1–2
Cherrier, P.
Maps under the global condition: a new tool to study the evolution of cartographic language
, pages 1–4
Chiang, Y.-Y.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Cho, S.
Exploring spatio-temporal hot spots of land price change with housing transaction data in Seoul
, pages 1–2
Chow, T. E.
Estimating the Crowd Size of a Rally by Crowdsourcing-Geocomputation
, pages 1–2
Coetzee, S.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
A spatial analytical approach towards understanding racial residential segregation in Gauteng province (South Africa)
, pages 1–3
Cole, H.
Toward Accessible Hazard Mapping: Tactile Risk Maps and Disaster Preparedness
, pages 1–1
Cooper, A. K.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Cordeil, M.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Cortina G., C. Z.
The Re-Scheme Project for the Mexican Cartography Plan
, pages 1–1
The GEBCO and NOAA Chart Adequacy Workshop
, pages 1–1
Cory, M. J.
Connecting users to trusted geospatial information for Europe
, pages 1–1
Cristofoli, P.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Cron, J.
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Cybulski, P.
Functionality similarities of global web mapping services in the context of responsive map design
, pages 1–1
Graphic design and placement of map tools in mobile map application
, pages 1–1
Digital processing of old topographical maps for the reference base for quantitative and qualitative studies of landscape changes
, pages 1–1
Statistical maps for comparative visualization of landscape changes for industrial centers from different countries
, pages 1–2
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
Czaja, R.
Historic Atlases of Polish Towns – status at the end of 2018
, pages 1–1
De Cock, L.
Linking perception to decision point complexity for adaptive indoor wayfinding support
, pages 1–2
Dan, M.
Questionnaire Survey about the Reasons of Young People Migrating to the Tsunami-hit Area
, pages 1–2
Dang, X.
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Spatial differences and pattern evolution of Multi-scale Urban Land between China and India
, pages 1–1
Davis, M.
Analysing the Symbology of Soviet Military City Plans
, pages 1–1
Delazari, L. S.
Proposition of a Schematization Plugin for QGIS
, pages 1–2
UFPR CampusMap: a laboratory for a Smart City developments
, pages 1–2
Demhardt, I. J.
Advancing Reconnaissance and Valorisation: Map Series of German South West Africa (Namibia), 1892–1918
, pages 1–1
Dhieb, M.
Graphical modeling with the chorematic method. A case study on Saudi Arabia
, pages 1–1
The design of useful graphics in Bertin’s thought. A case study from the Urban Atlas of Jeddah
, pages 1–1
An interactive map of Tunisian toponymy
, pages 1–1
Diaf, I.
What strategies make compatible the stakes of nature conservation and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria
, pages 1–2
Dickmann, F.
Task-Oriented Display of Landmark Pictograms in Maps
, pages 1–1
Grid overlays reduce bias in mental representations of topographic maps
, pages 1–1
Dijkstra, P.
Towards sustainable topographic mapping
, pages 1–1
Dissanayake, D.
The Impact of landscape composition for urban heat island intensity in Addis Ababa City using Landsat data (1986–2016)
, pages 1–1
Divanis, A.
A Climate Event Portal for Citizen Science
, pages 1–1
Dogru, A. O.
Design of a cartographic eye tracking-EEG user experiment
, pages 1–2
Domanico, E.
Map Use in Transit Control Centers: Mapping geographic information flows
, pages 1–2
Dong, W.
A fast and simple algorithm for calculating flow accumulation matrices from raster digital elevation models
, pages 1–2
Doukari, M.
Mapping refugee litters in the eastern coast of Lesvos using UAS, an emerging marine litter problem
, pages 1–2
Drecki, I.
GeoDataHub: Building centralised repository of authoritative cartographic and geospatial resources
, pages 1–1
Du, Q.
Combining Location2Vec with LSTM to predict next locations from trajectory data
, pages 1–1
Uncovering Community Structure in Geospatial Networks: A Case Study of Urban Bus Networks in Hangzhou, China
, pages 1–1
Du, Y.
3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium
, pages 1–1
Study on multi-source data integrating standard and 3D cartographic visualization of urban flooding based on CityGML
, pages 1–2
Dukaczewski, D.
Method of Elaboration of Detailed Existing Land Use (ELU) Map of Poland
, pages 1–2
Duménieu, B.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Duncan, I. K. a web application for generating contiguous cartograms
, pages 1–2
Dunkel, A.
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Durante, K.
Visualizing and Linking Cartographic Resources across Discovery Environments
, pages 1–1
Duxbury, L.
Mapping Perception of Place through Emotion, Memory, Senses, and the Imaginary
, pages 1–2
Dvornikov, A. V.
The automation of processes of atlas mapping
, pages 1–2
Dyer, N.
Adding value to ENCs: Land features
, pages 1–1
Van Damme, M.-D.
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
Ebrahim, L.
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Water Consumption at Public Institutions: Case of the United Arab Emirates University
, pages 1–1
Edler, D.
Task-Oriented Display of Landmark Pictograms in Maps
, pages 1–1
Grid overlays reduce bias in mental representations of topographic maps
, pages 1–1
Eichenberger, R.
3D Carto-Graphics – Principles, Methods and Examples for Interactive Atlases
, pages 1–1
Elek, I.
Possibilities of high precision GPS data in autonomous driving
, pages 1–2
Ence, C.
Raster charting products in an ENC-first era
, pages 1–1
Ens, B.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Eom, K.-S.
A Sustainable world with cartography
, pages 1–1
Ershov, D.
GIS-analysis of ground transport accessibility of fire stations at regional scale
, pages 1–2
Estoque, R. C.
Detecting Cooling Effect of Landscape Composition and Configuration: An Urban Heat Island Study on Hangzhou
, pages 1–2
van Elzakker, C.
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Fabrikant, S. I.
How are map-based decisions influenced by uncertainty visualization in risky and time-critical situations?
, pages 1–3
Fabris-Rotelli, I.
A spatial analytical approach towards understanding racial residential segregation in Gauteng province (South Africa)
, pages 1–3
Fairbairn, D.
Contemporary challenges in cartographic education
, pages 1–3
Testing geovisualisations for effective environmental engineering decision-making
, pages 1–2
Reconstructing the lost contours of Charles Hutton
, pages 1–2
Fan, P.
Comparison of Leads Mapping in the Arctic Ocean Between Landsat and MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Products
, pages 1–1
Fan, Y.
A object detection algorithm based on pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and feature map fusion model
, pages 1–1
Faria, D. R.
Defensive Architecture Mapping: a case study in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
, pages 1–2
Farmakis-Serebryakova, M.
Analysis of Relief Shading Tools and Methods for Terrain Representation
, pages 1–1
Fauret, S.
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
Ferland, Y.
Geoliteracy, cartology, and a mobile serious game
, pages 1–2
From Spatial to Platial Information Systems: For a Better Representation of the Sense of Place
, pages 1–2
Fernandes, M. G.
Thematic cartography of Portuguese winegrowing (1850–1952)
, pages 1–2
Fernandez, E.
Surface and Volume Variation Determination of Laguna de Laja (Chile) since 2007
, pages 1–1
Fernandez, S.
Advanced Cartographic Techniques for Making Sense of Big Dynamic Data
, pages 1–3
Field, K.
Cartography. A book and a MOOC
, pages 1–2
Thematic Mapping: This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
, pages 1–2
Another New Design for an Old Map
, pages 1–2
Fijołek-Soska, B.
Liber chronicarum
Carta marina
and other mappae mundi
, pages 1–1
Filho, L. E.
UFPR CampusMap: a laboratory for a Smart City developments
, pages 1–2
Filippi, A. M.
A novel spatial recurrent neural network for hyperspectral imagery classification
, pages 1–1
Filippini, M.
Wetland Loss in Northeastern Italy Documented by Historical Maps
, pages 1–2
Fish, C. S.
Emotional responses to climate change map framing using facial emotion recognition technology
, pages 1–2
Fokin, I. E.
Methods and algorithms for creation of structural schemes of rivers
, pages 1–2
The automation of processes of atlas mapping
, pages 1–2
Forrest, D.
Using a free colour vision simulator to improve the accessibility of orienteering maps
, pages 1–2
Francis, C.
Cartographic Presentation as the Central Theme for Geospatial Education
, pages 1–1
Frassinelli, F.
Mobile Tools for Community Scientists
, pages 1–3
Fujita, Y.
A note on the Relationship between Spatial Recognition and Behavior while Walking in the City
, pages 1–2
Fung, K. W.
Mapping Reality and Virtuality: Paintings, Maps and Hydrographical Surveying about British and American Settlements of the Shanghai Bund, 1845–1860
, pages 1–1
Gachene, C. K. K.
Effect of Land tenure change on Land use in Machakos County, Kenya
, pages 1–3
Gallay, M.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Gao, P.
Boltzmann Entropy for the Spatial Information of Raster Data
, pages 1–1
Improvements to Information Entropy for Raster Spatial Data: A Thermodynamic-based Evaluation
, pages 1–1
García, F. J.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Gardener, J.
Mapping Perception of Place through Emotion, Memory, Senses, and the Imaginary
, pages 1–2
Gartner, G.
Functional Cartography – About the quality of maps from the era of artefacts to the era of services and beyond
, pages 1–2
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open Challenges
, pages 1–1
Finding cultural heritage traces from modern social media
, pages 1–2
Incorporating directional signs into indoor navigation systems
, pages 1–2
Gastner, M. T. a web application for generating contiguous cartograms
, pages 1–2
Gatti, I. A.
Disaster risk assessment for urban areas: A GIS flood risk analysis for Luján City (Argentina)
, pages 1–2
Gattinger, K.
– cartographying experiences of crossing borders
, pages 1–2
Gede, M.
Fast georeferencing/geocoding tool for old maps with large distortions
, pages 1–1
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Carpooling Data
, pages 1–2
German, A.
3D art cartography in Belarus: The historical development and achievements in the modern period
, pages 1–2
Gienko, G.
Spatial Component Models with Artificial Neural Networks for Spatially Constrained Regionalization
, pages 1–2
Giordano, A.
Cartographies of Genocide
, pages 1–2
Gkonos, C.
Web Cartography going public: Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for cartographic prosumers
, pages 1–3
Golba, R.
Historic Atlases of Polish Towns – status at the end of 2018
, pages 1–1
Golebiowska, I.
Evaluating rainbow colour scheme in social data mapping
, pages 1–2
Golubeva, E.
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Gombert, M.
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
González Matesanz, F. J.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Gore, J. A.
Interactive web mapping of 90 Years of Fire History Across South Australia
, pages 1–2
Goto, H.
Seafloor Stereo Map of Coastal Areas for Geomorphological Studies
, pages 1–2
Govorov, M.
Spatial Component Models with Artificial Neural Networks for Spatially Constrained Regionalization
, pages 1–2
Graumann, M.
Rapid Mapping for German Federal Authorities
, pages 1–2
Griffin, A.
Mapping Perception of Place through Emotion, Memory, Senses, and the Imaginary
, pages 1–2
Griffin, A. L.
Emotional responses to climate change map framing using facial emotion recognition technology
, pages 1–2
Gröbe, M.
Developing and Evaluating Multi-Scale Map Styles: Creating a Multi-Scale Legend
, pages 1–2
Gui, D.
Sea ice kinematic features in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility
, pages 1–1
Gunko, M.
Housing issue in shrinking Russian cities: mapping the reality
, pages 1–2
Gupta, D.
Potential Groundwater Extraction and Piezometric Surface Fluctuations in Puruliya, West Bengal – A GIS based study
, pages 1–2
Habibi, R.
Managing coverage holes in IoT monitoring sensor networks
, pages 1–2
Haeberling, C.
The Introduction Chapter of the Swiss World Atlas 2017 ‒ An Innovative Cartographic Education Tool in Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Halik, Ł.
Workflow for 3D geovisualization of the data obtained with the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Measuring user preferences in virtual reality (VR): 2D versus 3D urban geovisualizations of topographic data
, pages 1–1
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
The visualization of the use of land on the basis of the dynamics of the pedestrian movement from the interval UAV imaging
, pages 1–1
Han, S.
Combining Location2Vec with LSTM to predict next locations from trajectory data
, pages 1–1
Hanaoka, K.
Space-time mapping of historical plague epidemics in modern Osaka, Japan
, pages 1–2
Haneda, Y.
Practice of a GIS education program for junior and senior high school students
, pages 1–1
Hara, R.
Mapping vanished mountain shapes – The struggle between limestone mining and establishing a natural park at Mount Bukō –
, pages 1–2
Harto, A. B.
The Magnificent Pilgrimage Route of Borobudur
, pages 1–1
A preliminary study of geographical names research: Review of cartography education & research in Indonesia
, pages 1–1
Hartung, G.
Deconstructing the relief inversion effect: Contributors of the problem and its solutions
, pages 1–2
Haruyama, S.
The visible impacts of human activities constructing hydropower dam on Vietnamese Mekong Delta and conceptual solutions for responses
, pages 1–1
Harvey, F.
A dialectical approach to the systematic analysis of geovisual communication using Bertin’s visual variables
, pages 1–1
Hauthal, E.
Action, Emotion, Opinion – A Taxonomy of Human Reactions Expressed in Location-Based Social Media
, pages 1–2
Hayashi, S.
Mapping Heterotopia: Port B’s Excavation of Asia in Tokyo
, pages 1–1
He, B.
A object detection algorithm based on pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and feature map fusion model
, pages 1–1
He, G.
A Method for extracting multi-scale stay feature of trajectory based on OPTICS
, pages 1–1
Heitzler, M.
Unlocking the Geospatial Past with Deep Learning – Establishing a Hub for Historical Map Data in Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Henggeler, K.
The Introduction Chapter of the Swiss World Atlas 2017 ‒ An Innovative Cartographic Education Tool in Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Henriot, C.
Coupling a collaborative digital map and a dashboard: an optimal starting point for urban project learning in engineer training? The case of the serious game “Urb’Act”
, pages 1–2
Hepburn, J.
Testing geovisualisations for effective environmental engineering decision-making
, pages 1–2
Herman, L.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium
, pages 1–1
Study on multi-source data integrating standard and 3D cartographic visualization of urban flooding based on CityGML
, pages 1–2
Hidari, K.
A Report on “Old Map Collection” by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
, pages 1–2
Hikosaka, Y.
Lexical variation in Japanese dialects revisited: Geostatistic and dialectometric analysis
, pages 1–9
Hino, K.
Estimation of building shape by block size
, pages 1–2
Hitimana, J. P.
Validity of using of GIS, SDI, Remote Sensing and Environmental factors for site selection of zones of coffee agriculture localization suitability modeling in Maraba sector, south province of Rwanda
, pages 1–1
Hjelmager, J.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Hoa, L. T. V.
Assess the impact of land use changes on erosion and sedimentation in Dak Uy reservoir
, pages 1–2
Hodgson, M. E.
Modelling and Mapping Elusive Locations of Historic Water-Powered Grist Mills
, pages 1–2
Wetland Loss in Northeastern Italy Documented by Historical Maps
, pages 1–2
Hoey, T.
Using a free colour vision simulator to improve the accessibility of orienteering maps
, pages 1–2
Hofierka, J.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Holmberg, P.
Validation of the shoal-biased pattern of bathymetric information on nautical charts
, pages 1–2
Honda, Y.
Updating of mountain trails on the “Digital Japan Basic Map” using big data of walking paths
, pages 1–1
Horbinski, T.
Functionality similarities of global web mapping services in the context of responsive map design
, pages 1–1
Graphic design and placement of map tools in mobile map application
, pages 1–1
Digital processing of old topographical maps for the reference base for quantitative and qualitative studies of landscape changes
, pages 1–1
Statistical maps for comparative visualization of landscape changes for industrial centers from different countries
, pages 1–2
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
Hosoi, S.
Modernization of Topographic Mapping by Japan Meiji Government – Introduction of French Army Mapping Technology and afterwards
, pages 1–1
Hou, H.
Detecting Cooling Effect of Landscape Composition and Configuration: An Urban Heat Island Study on Hangzhou
, pages 1–2
Hou, X.
A comparative analysis of visualization methods of travel time for schematic road map
, pages 1–1
Howarth, J. T.
Strategies for teaching cartography from theory and practice
, pages 1–2
Hu, B.
Spatial differences and pattern evolution of Multi-scale Urban Land between China and India
, pages 1–1
Hu, D.
Research on Monitoring Location Model Based on Geo-Video Semantics
, pages 1–2
Hu, H.
A Mid-Axis extraction of heterogeneous river network data with topological consistency
, pages 1–3
Hu, W.
A Parallel Method for Accelerating Visualization for Vector Tiles
, pages 1–1
Huang, H.
Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open Challenges
, pages 1–1
Incorporating directional signs into indoor navigation systems
, pages 1–2
Huang, J.
Context-Aware POI Sequence Recommendation with Attention-Based Neural Network
, pages 1–2
Huang, L.
The influence of user characteristics on spatial perception differences in 3D visual environments
, pages 1–2
Huang, M.
Analysis on the Riding Characteristics of Mobike Sharing Bicycle in Beijing City, China
, pages 1–2
Huang, Q.
A practice of information processing by rearranging matrix of Jacques Bertin – application of diagram in environmental color workshop
, pages 1–2
Semantic trajectory inference from geo-tagged tweets
, pages 1–2
Huang, S.
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Huang, W.
Memory and local Identity: the Persistence of Colonial-Era Street Names in Hong kong after 1997
, pages 1–1
Huang, Y.
Ecological Change Analysis of Lanzhou City Based on Remote Sensing Ecological Index
, pages 1–2
Robustness assessment of China's high-speed railway transportation network
, pages 1–2
Huet, M.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Huffman, D.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
Hunt, P.
Using Internet Streamed Data for Sport Visualization
, pages 1–1
Hurni, L.
Analysis of Relief Shading Tools and Methods for Terrain Representation
, pages 1–1
The Introduction Chapter of the Swiss World Atlas 2017 ‒ An Innovative Cartographic Education Tool in Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Unlocking the Geospatial Past with Deep Learning – Establishing a Hub for Historical Map Data in Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Web Cartography going public: Developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for cartographic prosumers
, pages 1–3
Kaleidoscope of Swiss Cartography
, pages 1–2
Extending Exploration and Navigation Capabilities of the Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Towards Storytelling with Animated Pictorial Map Objects – An Experiment with Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–2
3D Carto-Graphics – Principles, Methods and Examples for Interactive Atlases
, pages 1–1
Topic Selection and Structure in the National Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Swiss World Atlas in Class Room – How to teach with maps
, pages 1–1
Husnjak, S.
Historical maps and landscape analysis
, pages 1–2
Hwang, C.-S.
Geo-visualization of antibiotic resistance based on web map service
, pages 1–1
Hwang, T.
Geo-visualization of antibiotic resistance based on web map service
, pages 1–1
Hölbling, D.
Analysing and visualizing spatio-temporal landslide patterns
, pages 1–2
van Helvert, T.
Towards sustainable topographic mapping
, pages 1–1
Ideto, M.
Potential of Digital Elevation Topographic Maps reveal the history of the region: comparing Those Maps with Marsh data in the early Meiji Period
, pages 1–2
Idrizi, B.
Treatment of cartography in official classification of fields of sciences and its misuse by the State Educational Inspectorate and the University of Tetova
, pages 1–2
Iescheck, A. L.
Validating the vertical quality of SRTM digital elevation model of the Mirim Lagoon hydrographic basin
, pages 1–2
A proposal of topographic map symbols for large-scale maps of urban areas in Brazil
, pages 1–2
Imaizumi, R.
Consideration of topographic expression for Geopark maps – Case study of the North Ibaraki Geopark
, pages 1–1
Imamura, S.
Japanese Map Warper for Spatial Humanities: The Japanese old maps portal site
, pages 1–2
Inoue, R.
Table cartogram generation as an optimization problem
, pages 1–2
Irás, K.
Work in Team – Improve your GIS Skills. Effectiveness of project work in teaching GIS for foreign students
, pages 1–1
Ishikawa, G.
GIS-based hillshade representation combined with relative relief as pseudo shade to enhance micro-topography
, pages 1–1
Ishikawa, K.
Streetcar Passenger Flow Maps in Old Tokyo City in 1930
, pages 1–2
Ishikawa, Y.
Mapping foreign residents in Japan’s major cities
, pages 1–1
Isobe, K.
Mapping of Geospatial Information on Disasters Predicted to Occur in Wetland Areas of the Shonan Region
, pages 1–2
Isomäki, M.
Harmonizing National Topographic Data Using an Automated Quality Validation Process
, pages 1–2
Ito, D.
Mapping vanished mountain shapes – The struggle between limestone mining and establishing a natural park at Mount Bukō –
, pages 1–2
Ito, K.
A note on the Relationship between Spatial Recognition and Behavior while Walking in the City
, pages 1–2
Ito, S.
Visual-Inertial Odometer-Based Global High Precision Indoor Human Navigation in a University Library
, pages 1–2
Itoh, S.
Geography education by the combination use of GIS and AR – Practices in National Institution of Technology, Toyama College
, pages 1–2
Iwahashi, J.
Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Iwai, Y.
Visualization and Spatio-temporal Analysis of Tsunami Inundation: A Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake
, pages 1–2
Geographical Change of the Japanese National Land in the 200 Years Using INŌ’s Map with GIS
, pages 1–2
Iwaniak, A.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Jakobsson, A.
Harmonizing National Topographic Data Using an Automated Quality Validation Process
, pages 1–2
Jamil, A.
The design of useful graphics in Bertin’s thought. A case study from the Urban Atlas of Jeddah
, pages 1–1
Janata, T.
Unknown Unknowns in Map Preparation for Historical Atlases
, pages 1–2
Jedlička, K.
Third dimension of a map
, pages 1–1
Jennings, A.
Distance Matters: a more than euclidean approach to visualizing gerrymandering
, pages 1–2
Jenny, B.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
The Equal Earth Projection: Distortion Characteristics, Adoption, and (Social) Media Impact
, pages 1–1
Methods and tools for automated production of origin-destination flow maps
, pages 1–2
Jeszenszky, P.
Lexical variation in Japanese dialects revisited: Geostatistic and dialectometric analysis
, pages 1–9
Ji, Q.
Comparison of Leads Mapping in the Arctic Ocean Between Landsat and MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Products
, pages 1–1
Jia, C.
Context-Aware POI Sequence Recommendation with Attention-Based Neural Network
, pages 1–2
Jia, H.
Deformation Monitoring of Landslide Based on Adapted Distributed Scatter Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
, pages 1–1
Extraction of knowledge on spatial distribution and spatial relationship from scanned topographic map using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–1
Jia, P.
A systematic evaluation of accessibility measures by the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method
, pages 1–2
Jia, Q.
New patterns for geography field practice education based on location services
, pages 1–1
Jiang, B.
New Paradigm in Mapping: A Critique on Cartography and GIS
, pages 1–1
Multivariate thematic mapping using fractal glyphs
, pages 1–2
Jiang, L.
Research on Geographical Positioning of Ancient Map
, pages 1–2
Jiang, M.
A Self-Adaptive Method of Multi-scale POI Visualization in Indoor Map
, pages 1–2
Jiang, S.
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Development Assessment in Urban Areas
, pages 1–1
Jokela, J.
Harmonizing National Topographic Data Using an Automated Quality Validation Process
, pages 1–2
Jolivet, L.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
Jóźwik, K.
Selected cartographic products of the Polish Geological Survey in light of the international data standards and OneGeology experience
, pages 1–2
Kagawa, A.
A Sustainable world with cartography
, pages 1–1
Kaida, T.
The Revising Process of ‘Kaisei Nihon Yochirotei Zenzu (Sekisui-zu)’
, pages 1–2
Kaji, H.
Collecting reliable training data to extract tourism strolling behaviour from smartphone GPS logs during walking
, pages 1–2
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
No Sudden Audio Switch – Preventing discontinuous POI audio playing in LBS
, pages 1–2
Kajimura, T.
History of Japan’s chart production in 150 years
, pages 1–1
Kamata, R.
Japanese Map Warper for Spatial Humanities: The Japanese old maps portal site
, pages 1–2
Kamimura, K.
GSI Maps – Showcase of National Geospatial Data
, pages 1–2
Kanegae, H.
Online Hazard Maps, Risk Communication, Acceptance and Usage Continuance Intention Model: A Selected Review of Literature
, pages 1–1
Web Maps for Risk Communication: Assessing Availability of Online Disaster Maps on Government Web Sites in Indonesia
, pages 1–2
Kang, L.
Visual analysis of ICC themes and topics from 2009 to 2019
, pages 1–1
Kang, Y.
Analysis of Travel Patterns of Seoul Tourists by Trajectory Data Mining
, pages 1–2
Kao, C.-J.
The Characteristics of Taiwan Persuasive Maps Made by Japanese
, pages 1–1
Karimzadeh, M.
Social Media for Sensing: Do Tweets Represent Events at Geo-Tagged Locations?
, pages 1–2
Karsznia, I.
How does the enumeration unit size influence spatial pattern recognition in choropleth maps? User study
, pages 1–2
Exploring essential variables in the settlement selection for small-scale maps using machine learning
, pages 1–2
Kastrisios, C.
Validation of the shoal-biased pattern of bathymetric information on nautical charts
, pages 1–2
Kaszap, M.
Geoliteracy, cartology, and a mobile serious game
, pages 1–2
Katsuta, K.
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education
, pages 1–2
Katumba, S.
A spatial analytical approach towards understanding racial residential segregation in Gauteng province (South Africa)
, pages 1–3
Kawabata, D.
Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Kawamura, H.
The national map of Japan compiled by the Tokugawa Shogunate
, pages 1–2
Kawasumi, N.
Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS
, pages 1–2
Kaňuk, J.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Keil, J.
Task-Oriented Display of Landmark Pictograms in Maps
, pages 1–1
Grid overlays reduce bias in mental representations of topographic maps
, pages 1–1
Keler, A.
Classifying complex road features in the context of car driver education
, pages 1–2
Kelly, M.
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Kennelly, P.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
Kent, A. J.
Analysing the Symbology of Soviet Military City Plans
, pages 1–1
The Soviet Military Plan of Tokyo (1966)
, pages 1–1
Measuring user preferences in virtual reality (VR): 2D versus 3D urban geovisualizations of topographic data
, pages 1–1
Keskin, M.
Design of a cartographic eye tracking-EEG user experiment
, pages 1–2
Kettunen, P.
Experiment on People’s Selection of Route Landmarks from Different Types of Geospatial Pictures
, pages 1–2
Plain cartography – web maps for visually impaired and elderly people
, pages 1–2
Kilsedar, C. E.
Mobile Tools for Community Scientists
, pages 1–3
Kim, D.
Analysis of Travel Patterns of Seoul Tourists by Trajectory Data Mining
, pages 1–2
Kim, H.
Mobile Geographic Visualization Service for Marine Safety Information based on Geo-Location Based Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Kim, J.-G.
An Analysis on the Shape Changes of the Korean Peninsula on the British Charts of the 19th Century and identification of Factors that Influence the Changes
, pages 1–2
Kim, K.
Geo-visualization of antibiotic resistance based on web map service
, pages 1–1
Applicability of KOMPSAT Image Data in Open Data Cube
, pages 1–2
Kim, K.-S.
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Kim, N.
Analysis of Travel Patterns of Seoul Tourists by Trajectory Data Mining
, pages 1–2
Kim, Y.-H.
Exploring Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Twitter data Using Topic Modelling Techniques
, pages 1–3
Kirimura, T.
Changes in the distribution and structure of white-collar workers’ residences in Japan during the period of modernization
, pages 1–2
Klettner, S.
The significance of shape in cartographic communication
, pages 1–2
Koarai, M.
Consideration of topographic expression for Geopark maps – Case study of the North Ibaraki Geopark
, pages 1–1
Estimation of three-dimensional structure of forest and development of roots of trees using LiDAR data
, pages 1–1
Kobayashi, A.
A practice of information processing by rearranging matrix of Jacques Bertin – application of diagram in environmental color workshop
, pages 1–2
Kobayashi, S.
The gradual reinforcement of Japanese mapping in pre-colonial Taiwan and Korea
, pages 1–2
Koizumi, R.
Mapping the hot and cold spots of spatial change in Tokyo following the bubble economy period
, pages 1–1
Konečný, M.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Innovative Geospatial and Cartographic Approaches to Identification, Analysis, and Visualisation of Land Degradation
, pages 1–2
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
The Influence of Spatial Familiarity on Landmark Salience Sensibility Based on Eye Tracking
, pages 1–2
Korporaal, M.
How are map-based decisions influenced by uncertainty visualization in risky and time-critical situations?
, pages 1–3
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Numbers on maps as a new cartographic technique: helpful or harmful for users? An empirical study
, pages 1–2
Koshkarev, A.
Long-term analysis of irrational water use processes based on cartographic materials and remote sensing data
, pages 1–1
Koski, C.
Plain cartography – web maps for visually impaired and elderly people
, pages 1–2
Kovganko, K.
GIS-analysis of ground transport accessibility of fire stations at regional scale
, pages 1–2
Kovács, B.
Possibilities of high precision GPS data in autonomous driving
, pages 1–2
Kozieł, Z.
Historic Atlases of Polish Towns – status at the end of 2018
, pages 1–1
Kraak, M.-J.
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Seeing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Maps
, pages 1–2
Krause, L.
Creating a Digital Atlas of French Public Architecture (1795–1840)
, pages 1–2
Krejci, J.
Transformation of the Vltava Historical Riverine Landscape within the Modern Times
, pages 1–2
Krisp, J. M.
Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open Challenges
, pages 1–1
Classifying complex road features in the context of car driver education
, pages 1–2
Kriz, K.
ALBINA The White Goddess – Mapping and Communicating Avalanche Risk in the European Alps
, pages 1–1
Image of Excellence – Developing Wine Maps for Austria
, pages 1–1
Krylov, S. A.
Methods and algorithms for creation of structural schemes of rivers
, pages 1–2
The automation of processes of atlas mapping
, pages 1–2
The definition of scale series for atlas maps depending on the density of mapped objects
, pages 1–2
Kubo, S.
Geomorphological maps as the basis of hazard mapping in Japan
, pages 1–2
Kubo, T.
Housing challenges in shrinking and aging Japanese cities
, pages 1–2
Kubíček, P.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
Kuchinke, L.
Task-Oriented Display of Landmark Pictograms in Maps
, pages 1–1
Grid overlays reduce bias in mental representations of topographic maps
, pages 1–1
Kudikov, A.
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Kulagina, O. V.
Fauna on the maps of Russia and its Arctic Region
, pages 1–2
Kumaki, Y.
Geomorphological maps as the basis of hazard mapping in Japan
, pages 1–2
Kuo, F.-Y.
Delineating urban functional regions by considering interaction cohesiveness and function diversity
, pages 1–1
Kuo, Y.-H.
Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting
, pages 1–2
Kurisu, Y.
Potential of Digital Elevation Topographic Maps reveal the history of the region: comparing Those Maps with Marsh data in the early Meiji Period
, pages 1–2
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education
, pages 1–2
Kuroki, T.
Landform mapping of Okinoshima island and sea bed of Munakata city
, pages 1–2
Kušan, V.
Historical maps and landscape analysis
, pages 1–2
Kuźma, M.
Accessibility evaluation of topographic maps in the National Library of Poland
, pages 1–1
Kvitle, A. K.
How colour palettes in maps are re-coloured by daltonization methods
, pages 1–2
Kähkönen, J.
Visualisation and analysis of multi-resolution raster geodatasets in the cloud
, pages 1–2
König, O.
Cartographic storytelling: 150 years of Swiss Federal Population Census
, pages 1–1
Retro-atlases II: a new edition of the first Statistical Atlas of Switzerland (1897)
, pages 1–1
Lai, F.
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Development Assessment in Urban Areas
, pages 1–1
Lai, R.
Relationships between landslides and land use changes in the Sanbagawa and Mikabu Belts, Shikoku, Japan
, pages 1–1
Lally, N.
Mapping dynamic, non-Euclidean spaces
, pages 1–2
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Lam, N. S.-N.
Scale effects on land loss modeling in the Mississippi River Delta
, pages 1–1
Lamarque, F.
Is the neighbourhood a level suited to the thermal evaluation of energy loss from buildings?
, pages 1–2
Lan, P. T. H.
Assess the impact of land use changes on erosion and sedimentation in Dak Uy reservoir
, pages 1–2
Lan, T.
Automated Generation of Schematic Network Maps with Preservation of Main Structures
, pages 1–2
Lapon, L.
Our global-scale cognitive map: is it influenced by our place of residence or education?
, pages 1–2
Lawrence, M.
Representations of Place in the Human Brain
, pages 1–2
Lazareva, I. V.
Social climate of cities as a factor of economic growth (on the example of the city of Kerch)
, pages 1–2
Ledermann, F.
Interactive 3D Time-Integrated Solar Shadow Maps
, pages 1–2
Lee, C.
Satellite Stereo Image Processing for 3D Topographic Mapping
, pages 1–1
Lee, G.
Exploring spatio-temporal hot spots of land price change with housing transaction data in Seoul
, pages 1–2
Lee, J.
Mobile Geographic Visualization Service for Marine Safety Information based on Geo-Location Based Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Toward high resolution mapping of patterned ground with vegetation in Spitsbergen using a UAV
, pages 1–2
Analysis of Travel Patterns of Seoul Tourists by Trajectory Data Mining
, pages 1–2
Lee, K.
Applicability of KOMPSAT Image Data in Open Data Cube
, pages 1–2
Lee, S.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Lehto, L.
Visualisation and analysis of multi-resolution raster geodatasets in the cloud
, pages 1–2
Lei, R.
Sea ice kinematic features in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility
, pages 1–1
Lei, Y.
Point Label Placement on Hexagonal Map Grids
, pages 1–2
Lentz, S.
Maps under the global condition: a new tool to study the evolution of cartographic language
, pages 1–4
Lerch, T.
A visual approach to creating multivariate geovisualization test data
, pages 1–2
Lex, E.
Sounding out Place and Cultural Memory in
Tempelhofer: Human Scale
, pages 1–2
Lhomme, S.
Spatial Data modelling to study and improve waste management after hurricanes. The case of French West Indies
, pages 1–2
Li, C.
Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
, pages 1–3
Li, H.
Incremental Updating Information Extraction and Topology Conflict Detection Method for Updating Road Network
, pages 1–1
Li, J.
Visual analysis of ICC themes and topics from 2009 to 2019
, pages 1–1
Li, L.
A Parallel Method for Accelerating Visualization for Vector Tiles
, pages 1–1
Li, M.
Table cartogram generation as an optimization problem
, pages 1–2
Li, S.
Data-driven regionalization for analyzing the spatiotemporal characteristic of air quality in China
, pages 1–1
Research on Monitoring Location Model Based on Geo-Video Semantics
, pages 1–2
Li, W.
Research on Monitoring Location Model Based on Geo-Video Semantics
, pages 1–2
An Improved Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Multi-level Information Quantity
, pages 1–2
Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
, pages 1–3
Li, X.
Calculate Accurate 3D Cost Distance Efficiently
, pages 1–1
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Study on the Behaviors of Inbound Tourists based on Geotagged Photo Metadata – A Case of the City Group in the Upper Reach of the Yellow River in China
, pages 1–2
Stereo RGB-D indoor mapping with precise stream fusing strategy
, pages 1–2
Positioning Locality Based on Cognitive Directions and Context in Indoor Landmark Reference System
, pages 1–2
Li, Y.
Positioning Locality Based on Cognitive Directions and Context in Indoor Landmark Reference System
, pages 1–2
Robustness assessment of China's high-speed railway transportation network
, pages 1–2
Li, Z.
Boltzmann Entropy for the Spatial Information of Raster Data
, pages 1–1
Automated Generation of Schematic Network Maps with Preservation of Main Structures
, pages 1–2
Effect of Frame Structure on Interpretation of Map Symbols
, pages 1–2
Improvements to Information Entropy for Raster Spatial Data: A Thermodynamic-based Evaluation
, pages 1–1
Liao, H.-Y.
Understanding the Process of Geospatial Reasoning: Evidences from an Eye-Tracking Experiment
, pages 1–1
Lienert, C.
The Swiss joint information platform for natural hazards
, pages 1–2
Limpisathian, P. W.
Representations of Place in the Human Brain
, pages 1–2
Lin, T.-H.
Ponds of landuse in Yangmei District and Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
, pages 1–1
Lin, Z.
An Improved Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Multi-level Information Quantity
, pages 1–2
Ling, T.
Identifying Heat Health Risks in the Urban Areas of Western Australia (WA) – An Enhanced Heat Vulnerability Assessment
, pages 1–1
Liu, F.
Evaluating Bi-temporal Dynamics and Trend of Urbanization-induced Land Cover Temperature in Shanghai, China
, pages 1–1
Liu, H.
DEM based Terrain Sketch Mapping in a Loess Landform by considering visual hierarchy and feature generalization
, pages 1–2
Visual analysis of ICC themes and topics from 2009 to 2019
, pages 1–1
Displacement and visualization of point symbols based on spatial distribution characteristics
, pages 1–2
Mapping of the maritime jurisdiction for Arctic Navigation
, pages 1–1
Liu, J.
Data-driven regionalization for analyzing the spatiotemporal characteristic of air quality in China
, pages 1–1
Liu, K.-B.
Scale effects on land loss modeling in the Mississippi River Delta
, pages 1–1
Liu, M.
A Method for extracting multi-scale stay feature of trajectory based on OPTICS
, pages 1–1
Liu, S.
New patterns for geography field practice education based on location services
, pages 1–1
Liu, T.
Characterizing Spatial Variations of Urban Growth Patterns in Beijing, China through Spatial Analysis and Geovisualization
, pages 1–1
Liu, W.
Technology research on Public welfare map adaptively and quickly producting
, pages 1–1
Liu, X.
Semantic trajectory inference from geo-tagged tweets
, pages 1–2
Marathon Map and its Utilization in City Tourism
, pages 1–2
Liu, Y.
Context-Aware POI Sequence Recommendation with Attention-Based Neural Network
, pages 1–2
The influence of user characteristics on spatial perception differences in 3D visual environments
, pages 1–2
An Improved Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Multi-level Information Quantity
, pages 1–2
Lobben, A.
Representations of Place in the Human Brain
, pages 1–2
Loeffler, S.
Trajectory-based POI recommendations for mobile maps
, pages 1–2
Loginov, D. S.
The automation of processes of atlas mapping
, pages 1–2
Long, Y.
Displacement and visualization of point symbols based on spatial distribution characteristics
, pages 1–2
A Method for extracting multi-scale stay feature of trajectory based on OPTICS
, pages 1–1
Positioning Error in Mobile Phone Tracking Data with Consideration of Geographic Environment Factors
, pages 1–2
New patterns for geography field practice education based on location services
, pages 1–1
Lorek, D.
Transformation of the landscape of pre-industrial space in the multimedia depiction
, pages 1–1
Digital processing of old topographical maps for the reference base for quantitative and qualitative studies of landscape changes
, pages 1–1
Statistical maps for comparative visualization of landscape changes for industrial centers from different countries
, pages 1–2
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
Losang, E. H.
National Atlases – an atlas type reconsidered
, pages 1–1
Lu, M.
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Lu, X.
Fuzzy Expression of Hand-drawn Paths in We-Map Environment
, pages 1–2
Luo, F.
Design of cooperative update mechanism of national geographic conditions monitoring and basic surveying and mapping
, pages 1–2
Lyra, C. C.
Does Interactivity increase map user’s reasoning? A study with environmental map users
, pages 1–2
Lyu, H.
Understanding landmark types in human navigation from a database perspective
, pages 1–2
Incorporating directional signs into indoor navigation systems
, pages 1–2
Lyu, X.
Research on Event-based Geospatial Data Updating
, pages 1–1
De Maeyer, P.
Linking perception to decision point complexity for adaptive indoor wayfinding support
, pages 1–2
Mapping in Belgium in the 19th Century in a wider context
, pages 1–1
Design of a cartographic eye tracking-EEG user experiment
, pages 1–2
Our global-scale cognitive map: is it influenced by our place of residence or education?
, pages 1–2
The development of a cognitive indoor route planning algorithm: which aspects to include?
, pages 1–2
Ma, A.
A novel spatial recurrent neural network for hyperspectral imagery classification
, pages 1–1
MacEachren, A. M.
Ethics of Location-Based Data in Crisis Situations
, pages 1–1
Machado, R. P. P.
Social-Environmental Atlas of the Lençóis Maranhenses area in Northeastern Brazil. First results of a methodological approach
, pages 1–2
Malhotra, R.
Cartographic Presentation as the Central Theme for Geospatial Education
, pages 1–1
Marcus, W. A.
Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd Edition: Celebrating 150 Years of the World’s First National Park, 1872–2022
, pages 1–1
Mariño, F.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Marković, N.
How to read ʽEmotional Cartographiesʼ: Rethinking (Carto)graphic Representation and Semantics
, pages 1–2
Markowska, A.
Using Area Cartograms in Teaching Geography in Secondary Schools
, pages 1–2
Marques, H. T. G.
Thematic cartography of Portuguese winegrowing (1850–1952)
, pages 1–2
Marston, B.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
Maruyama, T.
Location Based Elements into Gaming Industry
, pages 1–2
Marín, A.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Masaharu, H.
Shadow analysis of buildings over urban express way by using three-dimensional GIS – To study the distribution of long remained snow cover that made express way close for five days
, pages 1–2
Masetti, G.
Validation of the shoal-biased pattern of bathymetric information on nautical charts
, pages 1–2
Masure, A.
From Semiology of Graphics to Cultural Analytics: flaws in the mathematization of visible
, pages 1–2
Matos, M. R. M.
Project “What connects us to the world?”: Constructions of artistic cartographic representations
, pages 1–1
Małek, A.
There is no Kashubia without Kashubians
– maps as sources in historical research of folk culture
, pages 1–1
McNeill, T.
Cartographic Presentation as the Central Theme for Geospatial Education
, pages 1–1
Meacham, J. E.
Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd Edition: Celebrating 150 Years of the World’s First National Park, 1872–2022
, pages 1–1
Medvedev, A.
Tactile thematic maps for the territory of Russia: multivariate representation of geographic information
, pages 1–1
Features of creating multi-time thematic animations of the Arctic environment pollution on the example of Novaya Zemlya
, pages 1–1
Long-term analysis of irrational water use processes based on cartographic materials and remote sensing data
, pages 1–1
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Medynska-Gulij, B.
Graphic design and placement of map tools in mobile map application
, pages 1–1
Digital processing of old topographical maps for the reference base for quantitative and qualitative studies of landscape changes
, pages 1–1
Who were cartographers of manuscript topographic maps in the Enlightenment?
, pages 1–2
Statistical maps for comparative visualization of landscape changes for industrial centers from different countries
, pages 1–2
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
The visualization of the use of land on the basis of the dynamics of the pedestrian movement from the interval UAV imaging
, pages 1–1
Medyńska-Gulij, B.
Workflow for 3D geovisualization of the data obtained with the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Melnikova, G. L.
Social climate of cities as a factor of economic growth (on the example of the city of Kerch)
, pages 1–2
Mendonça, A. L. A. D.
Does Interactivity increase map user’s reasoning? A study with environmental map users
, pages 1–2
Meng, L.
A Climate Event Portal for Citizen Science
, pages 1–1
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Menke, J. T.
Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd Edition: Celebrating 150 Years of the World’s First National Park, 1872–2022
, pages 1–1
Mesterton, N.
Harmonizing National Topographic Data Using an Automated Quality Validation Process
, pages 1–2
Meyer, M.
Deconstructing the relief inversion effect: Contributors of the problem and its solutions
, pages 1–2
Moellering, H.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Mogi, H.
The advancement of utilizing geospatial information via GSI Maps
, pages 1–2
Moharrem, A.
The design of useful graphics in Bertin’s thought. A case study from the Urban Atlas of Jeddah
, pages 1–1
Mohd Shariff, N.
Disease Mapping and Spatial Landscape Characterization of Tuberculosis Ecology in Malaysia
, pages 1–2
Molines, N.
Is the neighbourhood a level suited to the thermal evaluation of energy loss from buildings?
, pages 1–2
Coupling a collaborative digital map and a dashboard: an optimal starting point for urban project learning in engineer training? The case of the serious game “Urb’Act”
, pages 1–2
Molzer, G.
Interactive 3D Time-Integrated Solar Shadow Maps
, pages 1–2
Moore, A.
“A journey as a flow”: A personal spatio-temporal projection of the world
, pages 1–2
Moore, A. B.
Multivariate thematic mapping using fractal glyphs
, pages 1–2
Moreno, G.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Moreu, M.
Maps in Citizen Science: A Preliminary Analysis of Use and User Issues
, pages 1–2
Morimoto, T.
The Impact of landscape composition for urban heat island intensity in Addis Ababa City using Landsat data (1986–2016)
, pages 1–1
Visualization and geospatial analysis on rural areas using sub-regional statistics
, pages 1–1
UAV Based Agricultural Crop Canopy Mapping for Crop Field Monitoring
, pages 1–1
Morita, M.
A Study on the Distribution of Foreign-Female-Isolated Areas in Japan
, pages 1–2
Morita, T.
Design Issues on Context-Based Cartographic Communication Using Extended Visual Variables
, pages 1–2
Moser, J.
Maps under the global condition: a new tool to study the evolution of cartographic language
, pages 1–4
Mostafavi, M. A.
From Spatial to Platial Information Systems: For a Better Representation of the Sense of Place
, pages 1–2
Mościcka, A.
Accessibility evaluation of topographic maps in the National Library of Poland
, pages 1–1
Description of Cartographic Heritage in Europeana Data Model
, pages 1–2
Automatic tactile thematic map generation: research agenda and possible solutions
, pages 1–1
Mu, H.
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Spatial differences and pattern evolution of Multi-scale Urban Land between China and India
, pages 1–1
Mu, W.
A Choropleth Map Classification Scheme with Control of Robustness for Uncertain Geographical Attributes
, pages 1–1
Mudau, N.
An investigation of geographic object based image analysis (GEOBIA) for human settlement detection in South Africa
, pages 1–1
Muehlenhaus, I.
Banal Cartography: A Critique of Quantitative Content Analysis in Contemporary Cartographic Research
, pages 1–2
Mulrooney, T.
Cartographic Presentation as the Central Theme for Geospatial Education
, pages 1–1
Murakami, D.
Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data
, pages 1–2
Murakami, W.
Estimation of three-dimensional structure of forest and development of roots of trees using LiDAR data
, pages 1–1
Murayama, T.
Variation of Geospatial Representation of Community Hazard Maps with Disaster Prevention Activities
, pages 1–2
Murayama, Y.
The Impact of landscape composition for urban heat island intensity in Addis Ababa City using Landsat data (1986–2016)
, pages 1–1
Evaluating Bi-temporal Dynamics and Trend of Urbanization-induced Land Cover Temperature in Shanghai, China
, pages 1–1
Geographical Change of the Japanese National Land in the 200 Years Using INŌ’s Map with GIS
, pages 1–2
Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Major Asian and African Cities
, pages 1–1
The Spatial Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Land Use/Cover Types in Sapporo City, Japan
, pages 1–1
Mäkinen, V.
Making post-glacial uplift visible: A model based high-resolution animation of shore displacement
, pages 1–2
Nagano, G.
Development and Publication of Volcanic Base Map Data
, pages 1–1
Nagata, S.
Space-time mapping of historical plague epidemics in modern Osaka, Japan
, pages 1–2
Nakajima, H.
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education
, pages 1–2
Nakaminami, K.
Updating of mountain trails on the “Digital Japan Basic Map” using big data of walking paths
, pages 1–1
Nakano, N.
A Report on “Old Map Collection” by Geospatial Information Authority of Japan
, pages 1–2
Nakaya, T.
Space-time mapping of historical plague epidemics in modern Osaka, Japan
, pages 1–2
Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data
, pages 1–2
Nakayama, C.
Questionnaire Survey about the Reasons of Young People Migrating to the Tsunami-hit Area
, pages 1–2
Nakayama, D.
Streetcar Passenger Flow Maps in Old Tokyo City in 1930
, pages 1–2
Narikiyo, A.
Estimation of three-dimensional structure of forest and development of roots of trees using LiDAR data
, pages 1–1
Nasraoui, K.
An interactive map of Tunisian toponymy
, pages 1–1
Ng-Chan, T.
“Buoyant Cartographies”: Strata-Mapping the Detroit River Border
, pages 1–1
Ngcofe, L.
An investigation of geographic object based image analysis (GEOBIA) for human settlement detection in South Africa
, pages 1–1
Nguyet, L. M.
Assess the impact of land use changes on erosion and sedimentation in Dak Uy reservoir
, pages 1–2
Nhan, N. H.
The visible impacts of human activities constructing hydropower dam on Vietnamese Mekong Delta and conceptual solutions for responses
, pages 1–1
Nishi, H.
Bayesian Geographical Multi-Dimensional Scaling
, pages 1–2
Nishioka, Y.
Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
1/30 scale of Japan topography model realized with Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Noguchi, M.
Extraction of Newly-built Roads Using Probe Data
, pages 1–2
Noma, T.
Creation and analysis of a GIS land-use map for the end of the Edo period in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
Nowacki, T.
Choropleth map – which data type should I use?
, pages 1–2
Numata, Y.
Development and Publication of Volcanic Base Map Data
, pages 1–1
Nyberg, J.
Raster charting products in an ENC-first era
, pages 1–1
NOAA’s Certification program in Marine Cartography
, pages 1–1
Oguchi, T.
Disaster risk assessment for urban areas: A GIS flood risk analysis for Luján City (Argentina)
, pages 1–2
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
Relationships between landslides and land use changes in the Sanbagawa and Mikabu Belts, Shikoku, Japan
, pages 1–1
Toward high resolution mapping of patterned ground with vegetation in Spitsbergen using a UAV
, pages 1–2
Geomorphological mapping based on DEMs and GIS: A review
, pages 1–1
Simulating impact of over-grazing on grassland degradation using GIS: a case study in the Heihe River Basin, China
, pages 1–2
Practice of a GIS education program for junior and senior high school students
, pages 1–1
Oh, J.
Satellite Stereo Image Processing for 3D Topographic Mapping
, pages 1–1
Ohnishi, K.
Geography education by the combination use of GIS and AR – Practices in National Institution of Technology, Toyama College
, pages 1–2
Okabe, K.
Questionnaire Survey about the Reasons of Young People Migrating to the Tsunami-hit Area
, pages 1–2
Okamoto, K.
Development and Publication of Volcanic Base Map Data
, pages 1–1
A Study on the Distribution of Foreign-Female-Isolated Areas in Japan
, pages 1–2
Okatani, T.
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education
, pages 1–2
National map contest for cartographic education
, pages 1–1
Oksanen, J.
Visualisation and analysis of multi-resolution raster geodatasets in the cloud
, pages 1–2
Plain cartography – web maps for visually impaired and elderly people
, pages 1–2
Making post-glacial uplift visible: A model based high-resolution animation of shore displacement
, pages 1–2
Olteanu-Raimond, A.-M.
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
Onačillová, K.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Ooms, K.
Linking perception to decision point complexity for adaptive indoor wayfinding support
, pages 1–2
Design of a cartographic eye tracking-EEG user experiment
, pages 1–2
Our global-scale cognitive map: is it influenced by our place of residence or education?
, pages 1–2
The development of a cognitive indoor route planning algorithm: which aspects to include?
, pages 1–2
Osawa, A.
Landscape-style Maps in Traditional Chinese Local Government
, pages 1–2
Osumi, K.
Detecting land cover change using Sentinel-2
, pages 1–1
Otsuka, K.
Updating of mountain trails on the “Digital Japan Basic Map” using big data of walking paths
, pages 1–1
Historical map viewer technology that guarantees nonlinear bijective conversion without distortion
, pages 1–2
Pagkalinawan, H.
Measuring the Street Layout Orientation Entropy of Cities in the Philippines
, pages 1–2
Panecki, T.
From historical cartography to historical mapping: digital edition of Gaul/Raczynski topographic map of Greater Poland (1807–1812)
, pages 1–2
A missing link in cartographic visualization? A case study of “heat maps” effectiveness
, pages 1–1
Pang, X.
Sea ice kinematic features in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility
, pages 1–1
Mapping of the maritime jurisdiction for Arctic Navigation
, pages 1–1
Comparison of Leads Mapping in the Arctic Ocean Between Landsat and MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Products
, pages 1–1
Papakonstantinou, A.
Mapping refugee litters in the eastern coast of Lesvos using UAS, an emerging marine litter problem
, pages 1–2
Park, L.
Subnational estimates of health in low- and middle-income countries: a geospatial approach with interpolation and raster analysis
, pages 1–1
Park, Y.
Analysis of Travel Patterns of Seoul Tourists by Trajectory Data Mining
, pages 1–2
Patterson, T.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
The Equal Earth Projection: Distortion Characteristics, Adoption, and (Social) Media Impact
, pages 1–1
Pe'eri, S.
The Re-Scheme Project for the Mexican Cartography Plan
, pages 1–1
The GEBCO and NOAA Chart Adequacy Workshop
, pages 1–1
Raster charting products in an ENC-first era
, pages 1–1
Pearson, A. W.
‘Heaping Offa upon Pelion, and Olympus upon Offa’: An assessment of the role of model making in the development of relief portrayal from 1780 to 1900
, pages 1–2
Peng, C.-C.
Air pollution potential hot zone evaluation model based on environmental sensing IoT
, pages 1–2
Percival, J.
Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data
, pages 1–2
Pereira, L. B.
A proposal of topographic map symbols for large-scale maps of urban areas in Brazil
, pages 1–2
Perheentupa, V.
Making post-glacial uplift visible: A model based high-resolution animation of shore displacement
, pages 1–2
Perret, J.
Engraved footprints from the past. Retrieving cartographic geohistorical data from the Cassini
Carte de France
, 1750–1789
, pages 1–2
Peters, S.
Interactive web mapping of 90 Years of Fire History Across South Australia
, pages 1–2
Peterson, M. P.
The Application Programmer Interface (API) in Modern Cartography: Development and Prospects
, pages 1–1
Petrovič, D.
Long term archiving orienteering maps project in Slovenia
, pages 1–1
Pe’eri, S.
Adding value to ENCs: Land features
, pages 1–1
NOAA’s Certification program in Marine Cartography
, pages 1–1
Pflug, L.
Maps under the global condition: a new tool to study the evolution of cartographic language
, pages 1–4
Piekielek, N.
A semi-automated workflow for processing historic aerial photography
, pages 1–1
Pilarska, A.
Historic Atlases of Polish Towns – status at the end of 2018
, pages 1–1
Piovan, S. E.
Modelling and Mapping Elusive Locations of Historic Water-Powered Grist Mills
, pages 1–2
Wetland Loss in Northeastern Italy Documented by Historical Maps
, pages 1–2
Podolskaia, E.
GIS-analysis of ground transport accessibility of fire stations at regional scale
, pages 1–2
Pokojski, W.
A missing link in cartographic visualization? A case study of “heat maps” effectiveness
, pages 1–1
Porras-Bernardez, F.
Finding cultural heritage traces from modern social media
, pages 1–2
Prince, E.
Visualizing and Linking Cartographic Resources across Discovery Environments
, pages 1–1
Priyankara, P.
UAV Based Agricultural Crop Canopy Mapping for Crop Field Monitoring
, pages 1–1
Purves, R.
Geovisual analysis of VGI for understanding people's behaviour in relation to multifaceted context
, pages 1–2
Pál, M.
Possibilities of high precision GPS data in autonomous driving
, pages 1–2
Qian, Y.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Qiang, W.
Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting
, pages 1–2
Qiao, F.
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Qin, C.-Z.
Automatic crater detection by mining existing crater map
, pages 1–1
Raihan, M.
The Magnificent Pilgrimage Route of Borobudur
, pages 1–1
Ranagalage, M.
The Impact of landscape composition for urban heat island intensity in Addis Ababa City using Landsat data (1986–2016)
, pages 1–1
Spatial Analysis of Urbanization in Major Asian and African Cities
, pages 1–1
Rann, K.
Reconstructing the lost contours of Charles Hutton
, pages 1–2
Rapant, P.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Raposo, P.
Geovisualization of complex origin-destination flow maps using Discrete Global Grid Systems
, pages 1–3
Raubal, M.
Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open Challenges
, pages 1–1
Recamunda, R. M.
Demystifying Least Square Adjustment Using Android Smartphone and Graphic Calculator
, pages 1–1
Reichenbacher, T.
A tool for generating testable pop-out effects in geovisual displays
, pages 1–3
Ren, F.
Combining Location2Vec with LSTM to predict next locations from trajectory data
, pages 1–1
Uncovering Community Structure in Geospatial Networks: A Case Study of Urban Bus Networks in Hangzhou, China
, pages 1–1
Ren, W.
Deformation Monitoring of Landslide Based on Adapted Distributed Scatter Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
, pages 1–1
Renon, A.-L.
Graphic design and research in social sciences: Jacques Bertin and the Laboratoire de Graphique
, pages 1–2
Reyes Nuñez, J. J.
Work in Team – Improve your GIS Skills. Effectiveness of project work in teaching GIS for foreign students
, pages 1–1
Ribeiro, R. D. F.
Measuring distance through topographic models
, pages 1–1
Ricker, B.
Envisioning the future of academic cartographic education
, pages 1–2
Seeing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Maps
, pages 1–2
Rico, J. J.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Robinson, A. C.
Design, Dissemination, and Disinformation in Viral Maps
, pages 1–2
Rodman, A. E.
Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd Edition: Celebrating 150 Years of the World’s First National Park, 1872–2022
, pages 1–1
Rodríguez, A. F.
A Spanish Standard for defining Open Geographic Data
, pages 1–2
Rodríguez, J. M.
A Spanish Standard for defining Open Geographic Data
, pages 1–2
Rosaneli, A. F.
Defensive Architecture Mapping: a case study in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
, pages 1–2
Roth, R.
Seeing the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Maps
, pages 1–2
Roth, R. E.
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Rouffineau, G.
When marks become graphics. Rediscovering a forgotten Bertin’s fork?
, pages 1–2
Ruan, L.
New patterns for geography field practice education based on location services
, pages 1–1
Ruas, A.
Spatial Data modelling to study and improve waste management after hurricanes. The case of French West Indies
, pages 1–2
Ryosuke, S.
No Sudden Audio Switch – Preventing discontinuous POI audio playing in LBS
, pages 1–2
Räber, S.
Kaleidoscope of Swiss Cartography
, pages 1–2
Sack, C.
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Saffroy, T.
Feedbacks on VGI in-situ campaign for updating LULC data
, pages 1–2
Sakamoto, I.
The topography of the world by IN-YOU-ZU
, pages 1–2
Sakurai, Y.
A note on the Relationship between Spatial Recognition and Behavior while Walking in the City
, pages 1–2
Samsonov, T.
Cargo flow maps: design principles and automated generation
, pages 1–2
Sari, K. P.
Online Hazard Maps, Risk Communication, Acceptance and Usage Continuance Intention Model: A Selected Review of Literature
, pages 1–1
Web Maps for Risk Communication: Assessing Availability of Online Disaster Maps on Government Web Sites in Indonesia
, pages 1–2
Sarjakoski, T.
Visualisation and analysis of multi-resolution raster geodatasets in the cloud
, pages 1–2
Sarkar, D.
Methods for the Geographic Representation of Interpersonal Relationships and Social Life
, pages 1–2
Sasagawa, A.
Extraction of Newly-built Roads Using Probe Data
, pages 1–2
Sato, H.
Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS
, pages 1–2
Sato, R.
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Satriadi, K. A.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Scalco, P. A. P.
Validating the vertical quality of SRTM digital elevation model of the Mirim Lagoon hydrographic basin
, pages 1–2
Schmidt, K.
Rapid Mapping for German Federal Authorities
, pages 1–2
Schmuki, M.
Extending Exploration and Navigation Capabilities of the Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Schnürer, R.
Towards Storytelling with Animated Pictorial Map Objects – An Experiment with Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–2
Schulga, R.
Using a free colour vision simulator to improve the accessibility of orienteering maps
, pages 1–2
Sedlák, V.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Seemann, P.
Unknown Unknowns in Map Preparation for Historical Atlases
, pages 1–2
Segyevy, D. Z.
100 years of Carte Rouge – a Hungarian ethnographical map by Pál Teleki
, pages 1–2
Sena, C. C. R. G. D.
Mind maps produced by visual impaired students
, pages 1–2
The importance of History of Cartography in the Geography teaching
, pages 1–1
Setiawan, P.
The Magnificent Pilgrimage Route of Borobudur
, pages 1–1
Sevilla Sánchez, C.
A Spanish Standard for defining Open Geographic Data
, pages 1–2
Educational Resources of Cartography and Geography in the IGN of Spain
, pages 1–4
Shavers, E.
Automated Extraction of Drainage Channels and Roads through Deep Learning
, pages 1–2
She, J.
Calculate Accurate 3D Cost Distance Efficiently
, pages 1–1
Shen, J.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Indoor path visualization method based on the spatial characteristics of indoor environment
, pages 1–2
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
Geographical Scene Reconstruction and Application of Ancient Site with Fused Multi-source Data
, pages 1–2
3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium
, pages 1–1
Study on multi-source data integrating standard and 3D cartographic visualization of urban flooding based on CityGML
, pages 1–2
The Influence of Spatial Familiarity on Landmark Salience Sensibility Based on Eye Tracking
, pages 1–2
Shen, R.
Fuzzy Expression of Hand-drawn Paths in We-Map Environment
, pages 1–2
Study on the Behaviors of Inbound Tourists based on Geotagged Photo Metadata – A Case of the City Group in the Upper Reach of the Yellow River in China
, pages 1–2
Shi, D.
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Development Assessment in Urban Areas
, pages 1–1
Shi, J.
Indoor path visualization method based on the spatial characteristics of indoor environment
, pages 1–2
Shi, T. a web application for generating contiguous cartograms
, pages 1–2
Shibasaki, R.
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Shiino, A.
Analysis of children’s future map drawings in Sapporo City
, pages 1–2
Shingaki, N.
Map Usage on Smartphones and Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge
, pages 1–3
Shiroki, D.
Shadow analysis of buildings over urban express way by using three-dimensional GIS – To study the distribution of long remained snow cover that made express way close for five days
, pages 1–2
Si, R.
Visual-Inertial Odometer-Based Global High Precision Indoor Human Navigation in a University Library
, pages 1–2
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
No Sudden Audio Switch – Preventing discontinuous POI audio playing in LBS
, pages 1–2
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
Sieber, R.
Extending Exploration and Navigation Capabilities of the Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Towards Storytelling with Animated Pictorial Map Objects – An Experiment with Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–2
3D Carto-Graphics – Principles, Methods and Examples for Interactive Atlases
, pages 1–1
Topic Selection and Structure in the National Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Sielicka, K.
Exploring essential variables in the settlement selection for small-scale maps using machine learning
, pages 1–2
Silhak, P.
Real-time Cartographic Generalisation: Risk Management Maps Case Study
, pages 1–2
Sinvula, K.
Expanding the ICA model of stakeholders in a spatial data infrastructure (SDI)
, pages 1–2
Skarlatidou, A.
Maps in Citizen Science: A Preliminary Analysis of Use and User Issues
, pages 1–2
Skroch, A. L. S. D.
UFPR CampusMap: a laboratory for a Smart City developments
, pages 1–2
Slaughter IV, N. G.
Central Park Squirrel Census Maps
, pages 1–2
Sluter, C. R.
Defensive Architecture Mapping: a case study in the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
, pages 1–2
A proposal of topographic map symbols for large-scale maps of urban areas in Brazil
, pages 1–2
Smaczynski, M.
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
The visualization of the use of land on the basis of the dynamics of the pedestrian movement from the interval UAV imaging
, pages 1–1
Smaczyński, M.
Workflow for 3D geovisualization of the data obtained with the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Song, L.
A Mid-Axis extraction of heterogeneous river network data with topological consistency
, pages 1–3
Song, X.
Positioning Error in Mobile Phone Tracking Data with Consideration of Geographic Environment Factors
, pages 1–2
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Sorokine, A.
Advanced Cartographic Techniques for Making Sense of Big Dynamic Data
, pages 1–3
Souhel, A.
Flash Flood Hazard Mapping Using Satellite Images and GIS Tools: A case study of the central High Atlas (Morocco)
, pages 1–1
Southern, E.
Reconstructing the lost contours of Charles Hutton
, pages 1–2
Souza, U. D. V.
Social-Environmental Atlas of the Lençóis Maranhenses area in Northeastern Brazil. First results of a methodological approach
, pages 1–2
Souza, V. L. C. A.
Project “What connects us to the world?”: Constructions of artistic cartographic representations
, pages 1–1
Spiekermann, R.
Analysing and visualizing spatio-temporal landslide patterns
, pages 1–2
Stachoň, Z.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Indoor path visualization method based on the spatial characteristics of indoor environment
, pages 1–2
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
The Influence of Spatial Familiarity on Landmark Salience Sensibility Based on Eye Tracking
, pages 1–2
Stanczak, A.
“A journey as a flow”: A personal spatio-temporal projection of the world
, pages 1–2
Stanek, K.
Real-time Cartographic Generalisation: Risk Management Maps Case Study
, pages 1–2
Stanislawski, L.
Automated Extraction of Drainage Channels and Roads through Deep Learning
, pages 1–2
Staněk, K.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Staub, G.
Surface and Volume Variation Determination of Laguna de Laja (Chile) since 2007
, pages 1–1
Stein, A.
A spatial analytical approach towards understanding racial residential segregation in Gauteng province (South Africa)
, pages 1–3
Steiner, S.
The Swiss joint information platform for natural hazards
, pages 1–2
Steingisser, A. Y.
Atlas of Yellowstone, 2nd Edition: Celebrating 150 Years of the World’s First National Park, 1872–2022
, pages 1–1
Stepanchenko, A. L.
Cartographic support of design, construction and operation of underground gas storage in rock salt
, pages 1–2
Fauna on the maps of Russia and its Arctic Region
, pages 1–2
Stephen, D. M.
Methods and tools for automated production of origin-destination flow maps
, pages 1–2
Strebe, D.
Given the problem of projection, are heat maps an oxymoron?
, pages 1–2
Stępień, U.
Selected cartographic products of the Polish Geological Survey in light of the international data standards and OneGeology experience
, pages 1–2
Su, W.
The transition process of aerosol distribution state with spatio-temporal analysis based on MODIS product
, pages 1–2
Subasinghe, S.
Urban Growth: From pixel to reality
, pages 1–1
Sugai, S.
Extraction of Newly-built Roads Using Probe Data
, pages 1–2
Sugimura, T.
Mapping of Geospatial Information on Disasters Predicted to Occur in Wetland Areas of the Shonan Region
, pages 1–2
Sumantri, D. I. G.
The Magnificent Pilgrimage Route of Borobudur
, pages 1–1
Sun, Q.
Fuzzy Expression of Hand-drawn Paths in We-Map Environment
, pages 1–2
Study on the Behaviors of Inbound Tourists based on Geotagged Photo Metadata – A Case of the City Group in the Upper Reach of the Yellow River in China
, pages 1–2
Identifying Heat Health Risks in the Urban Areas of Western Australia (WA) – An Enhanced Heat Vulnerability Assessment
, pages 1–1
Spatial differences and pattern evolution of Multi-scale Urban Land between China and India
, pages 1–1
Research on Event-based Geospatial Data Updating
, pages 1–1
Sun, R.
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Development Assessment in Urban Areas
, pages 1–1
Susilo, B.
A preliminary study of geographical names research: Review of cartography education & research in Indonesia
, pages 1–1
Suzuki, K.
GIS-based hillshade representation combined with relative relief as pseudo shade to enhance micro-topography
, pages 1–1
Suzuki, S.
Mapping vanished mountain shapes – The struggle between limestone mining and establishing a natural park at Mount Bukō –
, pages 1–2
Swab, J. J.
Mapping a Nation: Daniel Carter Beard’s Time as a Surveyor for the Sanborn Map Company
, pages 1–1
Sánchez-Ortiz, P.
BDIG: Continuous updating for National Geospatial Information Databases in National Geographic Institute of Spain
, pages 1–1
Słodkowski, M.
Selected cartographic products of the Polish Geological Survey in light of the international data standards and OneGeology experience
, pages 1–2
Słomska, K.
A review of map types used in empirical research in cartography
, pages 1–2
Taima, M.
Estimation of building shape by block size
, pages 1–2
Tait, A.
Standard elevation models for evaluating terrain representation
, pages 1–2
Takahashi, A.
Visual-Inertial Odometer-Based Global High Precision Indoor Human Navigation in a University Library
, pages 1–2
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Takahashi, S.
Extraction of Newly-built Roads Using Probe Data
, pages 1–2
Takahashi, T.
Automatic Georeferencing of Heterogeneous Historic and Illustrated Maps
, pages 1–2
Tanaka, H.
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan’s (GSI’s) support for geography education
, pages 1–2
Tanaka, M.
Exploring the social position of tactile maps in Japan
, pages 1–1
Tang, S.
Stereo RGB-D indoor mapping with precise stream fusing strategy
, pages 1–2
Positioning Locality Based on Cognitive Directions and Context in Indoor Landmark Reference System
, pages 1–2
Tanuihusada, M. I.
Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting
, pages 1–2
Tatarenkov, A.
Сreation of the National Atlas of the Arctic
, pages 1–1
Tayama, R.
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Telnova, N.
Long-term analysis of irrational water use processes based on cartographic materials and remote sensing data
, pages 1–1
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Teo, T.-A.
Utilizing the Road Mark Training Set from Ground-Based Mapping System to Airborne Imagery in Deep Learning Framework
, pages 1–1
Thatcher, J.
Distance Matters: a more than euclidean approach to visualizing gerrymandering
, pages 1–2
Theilen-Willige, B.
Flash Flood Hazard Mapping Using Satellite Images and GIS Tools: A case study of the central High Atlas (Morocco)
, pages 1–1
Thorn, R.
How to Play with Maps
, pages 1–2
Ti, P.
A comparative analysis of visualization methods of travel time for schematic road map
, pages 1–1
Tian, Y.
Spatial-temporal Evolution and Completeness Analysis of OpenStreetMap Building Data in China from 2012 to 2017
, pages 1–2
Toishigawa, H.
Potential of Digital Elevation Topographic Maps reveal the history of the region: comparing Those Maps with Marsh data in the early Meiji Period
, pages 1–2
Tokita, H.
Virtual Circular Geofences for Points and Regions of Interests with Spatial Context
, pages 1–2
Tong, D.
A Choropleth Map Classification Scheme with Control of Robustness for Uncertain Geographical Attributes
, pages 1–1
Topouzelis, K.
Mapping refugee litters in the eastern coast of Lesvos using UAS, an emerging marine litter problem
, pages 1–2
Toussaint, G. T.
The Levenshtein distance as a measure of mirror symmetry and homogeneity for binary digital patterns
, pages 1–2
Toyota, H.
Mapping vanished mountain shapes – The struggle between limestone mining and establishing a natural park at Mount Bukō –
, pages 1–2
Trommer, M.
Points Further North: An Acoustemological Cartography of Non-Place
, pages 1–1
Tsorlini, A.
Documenting, organizing and demonstrating the cartographic wealth of a library, through an information system, to the public
, pages 1–2
Tsuchihashi, H.
Development and Publication of Volcanic Base Map Data
, pages 1–1
Tsukamoto, A.
Premodern City Layouts Drawn on Published Maps: A Comparative Analysis of Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto
, pages 1–2
Tsuruoka, K.
Digital archiving project of paper maps collected for the International Map Exhibition 1980 in Tokyo
, pages 1–2
Tsutsumida, N.
Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data
, pages 1–2
Tu, C.-H.
Mapping Anisotropic Landscape for Understanding Underlying Spatial Structure of Air Pollution
, pages 1–1
Tun Humbert, L.
The Re-Scheme Project for the Mexican Cartography Plan
, pages 1–1
Tutubalina, O.
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Uda, T.
National map contest for cartographic education
, pages 1–1
Ugawa, Y.
Geography education by the combination use of GIS and AR – Practices in National Institution of Technology, Toyama College
, pages 1–2
Underwood, N.
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Une, H.
Development of an online learning environment for geography and geology using Minecraft
, pages 1–1
Ung, M.
Challenges for First Time GIS User among Student Teachers
, pages 1–1
Usery, E. L.
A Semantic Representation of Map Projections Knowledge
, pages 1–1
Vanhaeren, N.
The development of a cognitive indoor route planning algorithm: which aspects to include?
, pages 1–2
Varanka, D. E.
Scoping a Vocabulary for Spatial Relations Properties
, pages 1–1
Varga, L.
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Carpooling Data
, pages 1–2
Vavra-Musser, K.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Velasco Tirado, A.
A Spanish Standard for defining Open Geographic Data
, pages 1–2
Educational Resources of Cartography and Geography in the IGN of Spain
, pages 1–4
Vereshchaka, T. V.
Cartographic support of design, construction and operation of underground gas storage in rock salt
, pages 1–2
Fauna on the maps of Russia and its Arctic Region
, pages 1–2
Verstockt, S.
Finding cultural heritage traces from modern social media
, pages 1–2
Vincent, K.
Interactive & Multiscale Thematic Maps: A Preliminary Study
, pages 1–2
Vomsattel, R.
Topic Selection and Structure in the National Atlas of Switzerland
, pages 1–2
Vondrakova, A.
TouchIt3D: Technology (not only) for Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
The Specifics of Cartographic Semiology in Tactile Maps
, pages 1–2
Vos, R. O.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Vozenilek, V.
Atlases and Systems Theory within Systematic Cartography
, pages 1–2
Vörös, F.
Possibilities of high precision GPS data in autonomous driving
, pages 1–2
van der Vegt, H.
Towards sustainable topographic mapping
, pages 1–1
Van de Weghe, N.
Linking perception to decision point complexity for adaptive indoor wayfinding support
, pages 1–2
Location Based Services: Research Trends and Open Challenges
, pages 1–1
Finding cultural heritage traces from modern social media
, pages 1–2
Wabiński, J.
Automatic tactile thematic map generation: research agenda and possible solutions
, pages 1–1
Wakabayashi, Y.
Spatial Analysis of Tourist Spots in Central Tokyo Using Online Geotagged Photographs from Flickr
, pages 1–1
Mapping the hot and cold spots of spatial change in Tokyo following the bubble economy period
, pages 1–1
Intergenerational differences in the use of maps: results from an online survey
, pages 1–1
Wakefield, G.
Points Further North: An Acoustemological Cartography of Non-Place
, pages 1–1
Wang, B.
Simulating impact of over-grazing on grassland degradation using GIS: a case study in the Heihe River Basin, China
, pages 1–2
Wang, H.
A precise location navigation map visualization method for landmark guidance
, pages 1–3
Curve Generalization Algorithm Based on Area of Bends using Head/tail Breaks
, pages 1–3
Wang, J.
Sea ice kinematic features in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility
, pages 1–1
Mapping vanished mountain shapes – The struggle between limestone mining and establishing a natural park at Mount Bukō –
, pages 1–2
Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting
, pages 1–2
Wang, M.
A Self-Adaptive Method of Multi-scale POI Visualization in Indoor Map
, pages 1–2
Wang, R.
The Spatial Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Land Use/Cover Types in Sapporo City, Japan
, pages 1–1
Wang, T.
Spatial-Temporal Landscape Analysis of Kallang-Seletar Transect, Singapore
, pages 1–1
Wang, W.
Understanding landmark types in human navigation from a database perspective
, pages 1–2
Stereo RGB-D indoor mapping with precise stream fusing strategy
, pages 1–2
Incorporating directional signs into indoor navigation systems
, pages 1–2
Positioning Locality Based on Cognitive Directions and Context in Indoor Landmark Reference System
, pages 1–2
Wang, X.
The Spatial-temporal Variation of Precipitation and Temperature in Xinjiang in Recent 50 Years
, pages 1–3
Wang, Y.
Positioning Locality Based on Cognitive Directions and Context in Indoor Landmark Reference System
, pages 1–2
Uncovering Community Structure in Geospatial Networks: A Case Study of Urban Bus Networks in Hangzhou, China
, pages 1–1
The Spatial-temporal Variation of Precipitation and Temperature in Xinjiang in Recent 50 Years
, pages 1–3
Wang, Y. P.
Spatial Patterns of Urban Expansion in Chinese Cities
, pages 1–1
Wang, Y.-W.
Automatic crater detection by mining existing crater map
, pages 1–1
Wang, Z.
The Spatial-temporal Variation of Precipitation and Temperature in Xinjiang in Recent 50 Years
, pages 1–3
Robustness assessment of China's high-speed railway transportation network
, pages 1–2
Technology research on Public welfare map adaptively and quickly producting
, pages 1–1
Wei, H.
A fast and simple algorithm for calculating flow accumulation matrices from raster digital elevation models
, pages 1–2
Wen, N.
A object detection algorithm based on pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and feature map fusion model
, pages 1–1
Wen, T.-H.
Delineating urban functional regions by considering interaction cohesiveness and function diversity
, pages 1–1
Air pollution potential hot zone evaluation model based on environmental sensing IoT
, pages 1–2
Mapping Anisotropic Landscape for Understanding Underlying Spatial Structure of Air Pollution
, pages 1–1
Understanding the Process of Geospatial Reasoning: Evidences from an Eye-Tracking Experiment
, pages 1–1
Weng, C.
A Self-Adaptive Method of Multi-scale POI Visualization in Indoor Map
, pages 1–2
Weston, N.
NOAA’s Certification program in Marine Cartography
, pages 1–1
Wielebski, Ł.
Statistical maps for comparative visualization of landscape changes for industrial centers from different countries
, pages 1–2
Teaching of geographical space relations for cartography –
Academic Outdoor Station in Poznan (Poland)
, pages 1–1
Visualization of fire brigade interventions based on statistical data
, pages 1–1
Wigley, M.
How do the Swiss produce their New National Map Series?
, pages 1–1
Wigley, R.
The GEBCO and NOAA Chart Adequacy Workshop
, pages 1–1
Wilkening, J.
Towards Spatial Data Science: Bridging the Gap between GIS, Cartography and Data Science
, pages 1–2
Wirasanti, N.
A preliminary study of geographical names research: Review of cartography education & research in Indonesia
, pages 1–1
Wondrak, S.
Proposals for enhancements of topographic maps for high alpine tours
, pages 1–1
Solar System Cartography for High School Education: A Dual Scale Approach
, pages 1–1
Woo, H.-J.
Exploring Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Twitter data Using Topic Modelling Techniques
, pages 1–3
Wu, C.
A Parallel Method for Accelerating Visualization for Vector Tiles
, pages 1–1
Data-driven regionalization for analyzing the spatiotemporal characteristic of air quality in China
, pages 1–1
Technology research on Public welfare map adaptively and quickly producting
, pages 1–1
Wu, H.
Extraction of knowledge on spatial distribution and spatial relationship from scanned topographic map using Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–1
Wu, X.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
Włoskowicz, W.
Cartographers and geographers as toponym users, creators, and promoters. A linguistic perspective on cartographic and textual dissemination of geographical names
, pages 1–2
Xia, T.
No Sudden Audio Switch – Preventing discontinuous POI audio playing in LBS
, pages 1–2
Evaluating transport time in emergency medical service via GIS: an observational study of Tokyo
, pages 1–2
From walkability to bikeability: A GIS based analysis of integrating bike sharing service in Tokyo TOD system
, pages 1–2
Xiao, Y.
A Self-Adaptive Method of Multi-scale POI Visualization in Indoor Map
, pages 1–2
Xin, R.
Run length coding and efficient compression of hexagonal raster data based on Gosper curve
, pages 1–2
Yabe, N.
Geographically weighted bidimensional regression on the 17th-century map of a castle town in Japan
, pages 1–1
Yagoub, M. M.
Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Water Consumption at Public Institutions: Case of the United Arab Emirates University
, pages 1–1
Yamamoto, H.
Aerial Surveys and Geographic Information in Modern China
, pages 1–2
Yamamoto, S.
Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS
, pages 1–2
Yamauchi, H.
Practice of a GIS education program for junior and senior high school students
, pages 1–1
Yan, B.
Deformation Monitoring of Landslide Based on Adapted Distributed Scatter Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
, pages 1–1
Yan, H.
Spatial structure evolution of China railway network in the past century
, pages 1–2
Ecological Change Analysis of Lanzhou City Based on Remote Sensing Ecological Index
, pages 1–2
Fuzzy Expression of Hand-drawn Paths in We-Map Environment
, pages 1–2
Study on the Behaviors of Inbound Tourists based on Geotagged Photo Metadata – A Case of the City Group in the Upper Reach of the Yellow River in China
, pages 1–2
A precise location navigation map visualization method for landmark guidance
, pages 1–3
Curve Generalization Algorithm Based on Area of Bends using Head/tail Breaks
, pages 1–3
The Spatial-temporal Variation of Precipitation and Temperature in Xinjiang in Recent 50 Years
, pages 1–3
Robustness assessment of China's high-speed railway transportation network
, pages 1–2
Implementation of Pedestrian Path Navigation Algorithm Based on "We-Map" Platform
, pages 1–2
Yang, L.
Geographical Scene Reconstruction and Application of Ancient Site with Fused Multi-source Data
, pages 1–2
Yang, M.
A Mid-Axis extraction of heterogeneous river network data with topological consistency
, pages 1–3
Yang, X.
DEM based Terrain Sketch Mapping in a Loess Landform by considering visual hierarchy and feature generalization
, pages 1–2
Characterizing Spatial Variations of Urban Growth Patterns in Beijing, China through Spatial Analysis and Geovisualization
, pages 1–1
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Development Assessment in Urban Areas
, pages 1–1
Yang, Y.
Interacting with Maps in Virtual and Augmented Reality
, pages 1–1
Yano, K.
Lexical variation in Japanese dialects revisited: Geostatistic and dialectometric analysis
, pages 1–9
Digital archiving the space and memory of Kyoto across space and time using GIS
, pages 1–2
Japanese Map Warper for Spatial Humanities: The Japanese old maps portal site
, pages 1–2
Yao, J.
Spatial Patterns of Urban Expansion in Chinese Cities
, pages 1–1
Yao, X. A.
Is there a paradigm shift for GIS data representation and analysis?
, pages 1–2
Yasev, P.
Cargo flow maps: design principles and automated generation
, pages 1–2
Ye, C.
Marathon Map and its Utilization in City Tourism
, pages 1–2
Yin, X.
Los Angeles Homelessness and the Access to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
, pages 1–1
Yin, Y.
Dot Symbol Auto-filling Method for Land-use Areas in Cartographic Representation
, pages 1–1
Yin, Z.
A Mid-Axis extraction of heterogeneous river network data with topological consistency
, pages 1–3
Ying, S.
The influence of user characteristics on spatial perception differences in 3D visual environments
, pages 1–2
Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
, pages 1–3
Yoshida, T.
Interactive mapping for geographically weighted correlation in big census data
, pages 1–2
Yuan, Z.
Stereo RGB-D indoor mapping with precise stream fusing strategy
, pages 1–2
A object detection algorithm based on pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and feature map fusion model
, pages 1–1
Yun, G.
Identifying Heat Health Risks in the Urban Areas of Western Australia (WA) – An Enhanced Heat Vulnerability Assessment
, pages 1–1
Zagrebin, G. I.
The automation of processes of atlas mapping
, pages 1–2
The definition of scale series for atlas maps depending on the density of mapped objects
, pages 1–2
Zaitsev, A. B.
Social climate of cities as a factor of economic growth (on the example of the city of Kerch)
, pages 1–2
Zanin, C.
Efficiency of Cartographic production for Decision-making
, pages 1–2
Zhang, C.
Dot Symbol Auto-filling Method for Land-use Areas in Cartographic Representation
, pages 1–1
Zhang, H.
Boltzmann Entropy for the Spatial Information of Raster Data
, pages 1–1
A Parallel Method for Accelerating Visualization for Vector Tiles
, pages 1–1
Deformation Monitoring of Landslide Based on Adapted Distributed Scatter Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
, pages 1–1
Improvements to Information Entropy for Raster Spatial Data: A Thermodynamic-based Evaluation
, pages 1–1
The transition process of aerosol distribution state with spatio-temporal analysis based on MODIS product
, pages 1–2
Zhang, J.
Implementation of Pedestrian Path Navigation Algorithm Based on "We-Map" Platform
, pages 1–2
Incremental Updating Information Extraction and Topology Conflict Detection Method for Updating Road Network
, pages 1–1
Ground Disasters Visual Representation Based on Multi-Field Geospatial Infographics Spectra in Mining Area
, pages 1–2
Zhang, L.
A Method for extracting multi-scale stay feature of trajectory based on OPTICS
, pages 1–1
Positioning Error in Mobile Phone Tracking Data with Consideration of Geographic Environment Factors
, pages 1–2
Simulating impact of over-grazing on grassland degradation using GIS: a case study in the Heihe River Basin, China
, pages 1–2
New Authentication Method for Vector Geographic Data Based on Perceptual Hash
, pages 1–2
New patterns for geography field practice education based on location services
, pages 1–1
Zhang, S.
Marathon Map and its Utilization in City Tourism
, pages 1–2
Zhang, X.
Spatial Patterns of Urban Expansion in Chinese Cities
, pages 1–1
New Authentication Method for Vector Geographic Data Based on Perceptual Hash
, pages 1–2
3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium
, pages 1–1
Zhao, X.
Sea ice kinematic features in the Arctic outflow region and their associations with Arctic Northeast Passage accessibility
, pages 1–1
Comparison of Leads Mapping in the Arctic Ocean Between Landsat and MODIS Ice Surface Temperature Products
, pages 1–1
Zhao, Y.
Design of cooperative update mechanism of national geographic conditions monitoring and basic surveying and mapping
, pages 1–2
Technology research on Public welfare map adaptively and quickly producting
, pages 1–1
Zhao, Z.
Using Focus + Context Techniques to Visualize Building Information Model in virtual Geo-Environment
, pages 1–3
Zheng, F.
Geographical Scene Reconstruction and Application of Ancient Site with Fused Multi-source Data
, pages 1–2
Zheng, Y.
Displacement and visualization of point symbols based on spatial distribution characteristics
, pages 1–2
Zhou, G.
A fast and simple algorithm for calculating flow accumulation matrices from raster digital elevation models
, pages 1–2
Zhou, J.
Study on multi-source data integrating standard and 3D cartographic visualization of urban flooding based on CityGML
, pages 1–2
Zhou, L.
Spatial structure evolution of China railway network in the past century
, pages 1–2
Simulation and prediction of Shanghai urban spatial change based on random forest and CA-Markov model
, pages 1–1
Spatial differences and pattern evolution of Multi-scale Urban Land between China and India
, pages 1–1
Zhou, Q.
Spatial-temporal Evolution and Completeness Analysis of OpenStreetMap Building Data in China from 2012 to 2017
, pages 1–2
Zhou, W.
3D Interactive Visualization Method of Urban Waterlogging Based on Cesium
, pages 1–1
Zhou, Z.
Research on Event-based Geospatial Data Updating
, pages 1–1
Zhu, A.-X.
Automatic crater detection by mining existing crater map
, pages 1–1
Zhu, H.
A Parallel Method for Accelerating Visualization for Vector Tiles
, pages 1–1
Zhu, L.
The Influence of Spatial Familiarity on Landmark Salience Sensibility Based on Eye Tracking
, pages 1–2
Zhu, P.
Where do taxi trips start and end? Implications For Future Car-sharing For Commuting
, pages 1–2
Zhu, X.
Technology research on Public welfare map adaptively and quickly producting
, pages 1–1
Zimin, M.
Multiscale assessment of northern forest characteristics based on ultra-high resolution data
, pages 1–1
Zimmermann, W.
Swiss World Atlas in Class Room – How to teach with maps
, pages 1–1
Zou, L.
Scale effects on land loss modeling in the Mississippi River Delta
, pages 1–1
Visualizing and Mining Social Media Data for Smart Emergency Management
, pages 1–2
Zwirowicz-Rutkowska, A.
Description of Cartographic Heritage in Europeana Data Model
, pages 1–2
Çöltekin, A.
Deconstructing the relief inversion effect: Contributors of the problem and its solutions
, pages 1–2
Öztireli, C.
Towards Storytelling with Animated Pictorial Map Objects – An Experiment with Convolutional Neural Networks
, pages 1–2
Čerba, O.
Roles of Ontologies in Cartography
, pages 1–2
Řezník, T.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Innovative Geospatial and Cartographic Approaches to Identification, Analysis, and Visualisation of Land Degradation
, pages 1–2
Šavrič, B.
The Equal Earth Projection: Distortion Characteristics, Adoption, and (Social) Media Impact
, pages 1–1
Šašak, J.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Štampach, R.
Coincident Visualization of Uncertainty and Value for Point Symbols
, pages 1–2
Šupinský, J.
Mapping urban greenery to create the optimal cooling effect model against solar radiation under the conditions of a smart city
, pages 1–2
Švedová, H.
Evaluation of Map Signs for Evacuation Purposes
, pages 1–2
The Influence of Spatial Familiarity on Landmark Salience Sensibility Based on Eye Tracking
, pages 1–2
Žiža, I.
Historical maps and landscape analysis
, pages 1–2
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