Acharya, S. Adams, S. Adeleke, A. Adolf, A. Aguiar Rivero, N. E. Ala-Hulkko, T.- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- A geological hiking map curiosity from 1939, pages 1–2
- Local climate zone mapping of Tirana, Albania, pages 1–2
- A changing city in a changing climate – mapping local climate zones in Tirana in 2007 and 2018, pages 1–2
- An end-user evaluation to explore the effectiveness of cartograms for mapping spatial accessibility, pages 1–2
- An end-user evaluation to explore the effectiveness of cartograms for mapping spatial accessibility, pages 1–2
- The cartographic heritage of the University of Florence. Historical maps of the Geography Library, pages 1–2
- Virtual reconstruction of historical landscapes: a 3D environment to contextualise data in space and time, pages 1–2
- Cartographic sources for the reconstruction of the Syro-Palestinian landscape in the Late Antiquity, pages 1–2
Bae, C. Bak, J. Balabanian, P. Baldrica-Franklin, G.- Mapping Narrative Content and Structure in Online Atlases, pages 1–2
- The Making of Mapping for a Sustainable World, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Toward a New ICA Research Agenda, pages 1–2
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
- 3D-printed models of Czech architectural monuments for people with severe visual impairment, pages 1–2
- Making history accessible to people with visual impairments through interactive tangible 3D models, pages 1–2
- Approaches for infographics evaluation in maps, pages 1–2
- The new geospatial data of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy): a geomatic challenge, pages 1–2
- CARG Geological Database: new layers, new data, pages 1–1
- EMODnet Geology: digital geological maps of European seas, pages 1–2
- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- The new geospatial data of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy): a geomatic challenge, pages 1–2
- Do authors look at their maps in different way than common readers? An eye-tracking study, pages 1–1
- A changing city in a changing climate – mapping local climate zones in Tirana in 2007 and 2018, pages 1–2
- Limits of GIS implementation in secondary education, pages 1–2
- Mapwork.education: online adaptive system for cartographic education, pages 1–2
- The cartographic heritage of the University of Florence. Historical maps of the Geography Library, pages 1–2
- Comparative study of foreign visitors’ perceptions of places by analyzing visual content of photographs, pages 1–1
- Role of maps and public street signs in wayfinding behaviour of foreign visitors, pages 1–1
- St Gallen Globe Online, pages 1–2
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- An innovative global cloudless satellite map, pages 1–1
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- Semantic correlation between emojis and feelings’ descriptions for Mapping Emotions into the Urban Mobility context, pages 1–3
- A proposition to define boundaries based on the smoothness and the continuity of voluminous point data phenomena, pages 1–2
- Identifying Map-Reading, Map-Using, and Map-Generating tasks in a crowdsourcing context, pages 1–2
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- 3D-printed models of Czech architectural monuments for people with severe visual impairment, pages 1–2
- Making history accessible to people with visual impairments through interactive tangible 3D models, pages 1–2
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- Adaptation of maps to pupils with severe visual impairments, pages 1–2
- Visual complexity and memorability of maps, pages 1–2
- Automating Strip Mapping, pages 1–2
- Online Collections of Vietnam War-Era U.S. Topographic Maps, pages 1–2
- Mapping Mt. Ushba: Preparation for a new Alpine Club Map, pages 1–1
- The Representation of Spatial Context by Emojis within Location based Social Media, pages 1–1
Caballero Belda, A. Cai, H. Cai, Y. Cajthaml, J.- Definition of headwater catchment boundaries, pages 1–1
- Using Old Maps to Analyse Land Use/Cover Change in Water Reservoir Area, pages 1–2
- Semantic correlation between emojis and feelings’ descriptions for Mapping Emotions into the Urban Mobility context, pages 1–3
- A proposition to define boundaries based on the smoothness and the continuity of voluminous point data phenomena, pages 1–2
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- Discovering spatiotemporal patterns on data quality assessment in collaborative mapping: A preliminary study in an area of Brazil, pages 1–3
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
- Diagnosis of the current situation of the cadastre and its relationship with systematic topographic mapping, pages 1–2
- The lack of topographic mapping and the historical problem of land demarcation in Brazil, pages 1–2
- Spatial searches for journal articles, pages 1–2
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- Local climate zone mapping of Tirana, Albania, pages 1–2
- A changing city in a changing climate – mapping local climate zones in Tirana in 2007 and 2018, pages 1–2
- Web Maps of Regional Attractiveness, pages 1–2
- Vector Tile Table Join Service (VTJS) – cartographic support for the communication of AI results, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Measuring Closest Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facilities in Unhoused Communities of Los Angeles, USA, pages 1–1
- Reimagining measures of spatial access to health care in lowand middle-income countries: using road network analysis to validate self-reported perceptions of geospatial barriers, pages 1–1
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Classifying Tourists’ Photos and Exploring Tourism Destination Image Using a Deep Learning Model, pages 1–2
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- On developing cartographic terminology in African languages, pages 1–2
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- COVID-19 lockdown and students’ changing perceptions of place: A participatory mapping study in South Africa, pages 1–2
- An exploratory digital environment for learning about southern African pre-colonial urbanism – A usability study, pages 1–3
- A collection of student maps for teaching multivariate thematic map making – the maps’ origin and purpose, pages 1–2
- Caring through science – Visualizing geographic accessibility of health care facilities in areas with high prevalence of comorbidities, pages 1–2
- Thematic Tactile Cartography: Evaluating Tactile Mapping Techniques for Novel Applications, pages 1–2
- Spatial and temporal evaluation of perennial vegetation distribution in the arid areas surrounding North Horr city, pages 1–2
- Integration of quantitative analysis and local community involvement for wildfire risk mapping: a case study from an Alpine valley, pages 1–2
- On developing cartographic terminology in African languages, pages 1–2
- A survey of criteria for accredited publications, pages 1–2
- The role of emotion in mental maps, pages 1–2
D'Angelo, S. Daniil, E. Daros, R. Davis, M. Davis, N.- Student generated digital media and community-based learning within a COVID-19 induced landscape: Lessons from the field, pages 1–2
- COVID-19 lockdown and students’ changing perceptions of place: A participatory mapping study in South Africa, pages 1–2
- Perspectives about implementation of colour codes on maps accessible to blind people, pages 1–1
- UCD techniques applied to the design of interfaces for integration between Expert System and GIS to define the directive of transmission lines, pages 1–2
- Evaluating distances using pictorial symbols in Augmented Reality Systems for indoor environments, pages 1–2
- Selecting Usability Heuristics to Evaluate Responsive Maps: Case Study WebGIS UFPR CampusMap, pages 1–2
- Tianjin Time Machine, pages 1–2
- Personalisation of data-driven storytelling, pages 1–4
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Spatio-temporal analysis of place-naming dynamics in former West Prussia from 1772 to 2020, pages 1–1
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Urban Policy Observatory Programme for Sustainable Cities and Communities Mapping in Poland, pages 1–2
- Modelling and building of a graph database of multi-source landmarks to help emergency mountain rescuers, pages 1–2
- Lessons learned from a VGI initiative for Land Use monitoring, pages 1–3
El-Shazly, A. Elias, E. N. N. Erman, N. M. Esquivel Tabares, G. F. Evseev, A. V. de Espona, L.- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
Fabre, P. Fabrikant, S. I.- The impact of landmark visualization style on expert wayfinders’ cognitive load during navigation, pages 1–3
- Take That Flood+: Does your perspective matter?, pages 1–3
- The sense of North, pages 1–3
- Indigenous place names in toponymical strata on the Turtle Island, pages 1–1
- Geoliteracy, cartology, and classroom mobile projects or game, pages 1–3
- Symbolising spatially coincident temporal data, pages 1–1
- Thematic mapping with a twist, pages 1–2
- Forest in Military Through Cartography: the Case of the McCrady Training Base, pages 1–2
- Forests as Protagonists on Battlefields: the case studies of Rivers Bridge and Honey Hill Through the Lens of a HGIS, pages 1–2
- Cartographic Education at the University of Glasgow: Past, present and future, pages 1–2
- Which mapping technique for population density is effective, attractive, and suggestive?, pages 1–1
Gadenz, S. Gallinelli, D.- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
- The role of emotion in mental maps, pages 1–2
- Vector Tile Table Join Service (VTJS) – cartographic support for the communication of AI results, pages 1–2
- Towards Reproducible User Studies and Behavioral Experiments for Cartography With the stimsrv Framework, pages 1–2
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
- Can indoor navigation service incorporating signs support spatial learning?, pages 1–2
- Personalized Landmark Sequence Recommendation Method using LSTM-based Network for Navigating in Large Hospitals, pages 1–2
- Cross-Cultural Differences in Map Design Perception, pages 1–3
- Mask-RCNN generalisation to vectorise surface-type objects of old maps, pages 1–1
- A new tool to follow the changes of geographic names on globes, pages 1–2
- Diagnosis of the current situation of the cadastre and its relationship with systematic topographic mapping, pages 1–2
- The lack of topographic mapping and the historical problem of land demarcation in Brazil, pages 1–2
- Tianjin Time Machine, pages 1–2
- Mapping geohistorical narratives: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania borderlands infrastructures project, 18th century, pages 1–2
- Children’s cartography: what is a map according to children?, pages 1–1
- Personalisation of data-driven storytelling, pages 1–4
- Evaluating distances using pictorial symbols in Augmented Reality Systems for indoor environments, pages 1–2
- Assessing legend designs for coordinated and multiple views geovisualizations, pages 1–2
- Empirical Study on Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Choropleth Maps Using Hexagonal Shaped Units, pages 1–2
- Empirical evaluation of four-variate thematic maps for expert users, pages 1–2
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- The Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Perception & Cognition of Map Symbols, pages 1–2
- Nudging travelers to favorable routes: The impact of visual communication and emotional responses on decision making, pages 1–3
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- Make maps great again, pages 1–1
- Concept and Formalisation of Tactile Cartographic Variables, pages 1–2
- User Needs and Identification of Upcoming Challenges for the Application of Planetary Information Systems, pages 1–2
HRSC GTMTG Haas-Artho, D.- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Abstraction and Reality. Dealing with …, pages 1–1
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Limits of GIS implementation in secondary education, pages 1–2
- Mapwork.education: online adaptive system for cartographic education, pages 1–2
- Students’ strategies for thematic map analysis, pages 1–2
- Map use in lessons: a videostudy findings, pages 1–1
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- Spatio-temporal analysis of place-naming dynamics in former West Prussia from 1772 to 2020, pages 1–1
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- Limits of GIS implementation in secondary education, pages 1–2
- Mapwork.education: online adaptive system for cartographic education, pages 1–2
- Students’ strategies for thematic map analysis, pages 1–2
- A geological hiking map curiosity from 1939, pages 1–2
- Utilizing convolutional neural networks to extract road features from Swiss historical maps, pages 1–2
- Inferring Implicit 3D Representations from Human Figures on Pictorial Maps, pages 1–2
- Creating an Atlas of the Anthropocene, pages 1–2
- Modelling and Repeating Early Photographic Positions with Aerial Drones, pages 1–2
- Forest in Military Through Cartography: the Case of the McCrady Training Base, pages 1–2
- Forests as Protagonists on Battlefields: the case studies of Rivers Bridge and Honey Hill Through the Lens of a HGIS, pages 1–2
- Introducing a QGIS technical supplement for Mapping for a Sustainable World, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- A novel mobile user interface to support pedestrian navigation without restricting the user to a predefined route, pages 1–1
- Can indoor navigation service incorporating signs support spatial learning?, pages 1–2
- Cartographic Styles Used in Spatial Planning Maps to Visualise Uncertain, Unfinished and Imagined Content, pages 1–2
- Utilizing convolutional neural networks to extract road features from Swiss historical maps, pages 1–2
- Storytelling in Interactive Atlases – Following the Intrinsic Map-Centered Approach, pages 1–1
- Inferring Implicit 3D Representations from Human Figures on Pictorial Maps, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
IAU - WGCCRE Iadanza, C. Iescheck, A. L.- Obstacles risk modeling in aerodromes protection zones, pages 1–2
- Diagnosis of the current situation of the cadastre and its relationship with systematic topographic mapping, pages 1–2
- The lack of topographic mapping and the historical problem of land demarcation in Brazil, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- How do People Make Decisions with/without Smartphones While Walking in the City?, pages 1–1
- Location of art gallery in urban areas: A GIS based analysis in Shinagawa ward, Tokyo, pages 1–2
Jabbar, J. A. Jakobsson, A. Jakulis, M. Jakštys, M. James, P. Janik, K. Jaumann, R. Jeney, J. Ji, H.- A non-navigational TIN-DDM automatic synthesis algorithm that takes into account the accurate determination of terrain features and full expression of topography, pages 1–2
- Automatic cleaning of outliers in multibeam bathymetric data with clustering algorithm, pages 1–2
- Utilizing convolutional neural networks to extract road features from Swiss historical maps, pages 1–2
- Vector Tile Table Join Service (VTJS) – cartographic support for the communication of AI results, pages 1–2
- An attempt to define perceptive and sensitive mapping through lived space experiments, pages 1–3
- Lessons learned from a VGI initiative for Land Use monitoring, pages 1–3
- Czech Historical Atlas: Creation of a web map portal, pages 1–2
- Czech Historical Atlas: A web map portal on the Czech history, pages 1–2
- Polish Geological Cartography Platform: one access point to all geological maps, pages 1–2
- Polish Geological Survey On the Never-Ending Geology quest – contribution to the OneGeology initiative as an example of challenges emerging from technological changes, pages 1–2
Kagawa, A.- Unlocking cartography in the United Nations in the era of Data for action, pages 1–1
- Mapping 17 SDGs: Unlocking the challenges and achievements of the world towards the Sustainable Development Goals using cartography, pages 1–1
- Classifying Tourists’ Photos and Exploring Tourism Destination Image Using a Deep Learning Model, pages 1–2
- The impact of landmark visualization style on expert wayfinders’ cognitive load during navigation, pages 1–3
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Supervised learning for automated feature selection in road network generalization, pages 1–2
- Empirical Study on Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Choropleth Maps Using Hexagonal Shaped Units, pages 1–2
- Definition of headwater catchment boundaries, pages 1–1
- Quantifying the Complexity of Road Intersections Using Open Data of Traffic Accidents – Insights from a Case Study in Munich, pages 1–2
- Sensor based extended floating bicycle data (xFBD) analysis, pages 1–3
- Shadows Eclipse Relief Shading, pages 1–2
- Focus on Orientation to Represent Terrain, pages 1–2
- Soviet city plans and OpenStreetMap: a comparative analysis, pages 1–1
- Mapping Wayfinding Behaviour in a Topographic Immersive Virtual Environment (TopoIVE), pages 1–1
- The Soviet Military City Plan of Florence (1986), pages 1–1
- Towards a Cartographic Renaissance: Leonardo’s Maps and their Approaches to Art and Science, pages 1–1
- Designing AI-assisted interactive map displays to explore spatial information, pages 1–2
- Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland, pages 1–2
- Enabling citizens to refine the location accuracy of cadastre boundary markers by gamified VGI, pages 1–2
- Classifying Tourists’ Photos and Exploring Tourism Destination Image Using a Deep Learning Model, pages 1–2
- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- The sense of North, pages 1–3
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Upgrade of existing algorithms for creating contour lines on topographic maps in karst surface, pages 1–2
- Approaches for infographics evaluation in maps, pages 1–2
- Spatial Distribution Shift of Creative Industries During COVID-19 Pandemic, pages 1–1
- Do authors look at their maps in different way than common readers? An eye-tracking study, pages 1–1
- Preliminary Findings in the Cartographic Uncertainty Depiction of the Arctic in European Renaissance Maps, pages 1–16
- Empirical Study on Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Choropleth Maps Using Hexagonal Shaped Units, pages 1–2
- Empirical evaluation of four-variate thematic maps for expert users, pages 1–2
- Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland, pages 1–2
- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- An innovative global cloudless satellite map, pages 1–1
- SDGs and Cartography, a conceptual connection, pages 1–2
- Implementing airline route map de-cluttering strategies, pages 1–2
- The promise of dasymetric maps for monitoring progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, pages 1–3
- A changing city in a changing climate – mapping local climate zones in Tirana in 2007 and 2018, pages 1–2
- Czech Historical Atlas: Creation of a web map portal, pages 1–2
- Czech Historical Atlas: A web map portal on the Czech history, pages 1–2
- Quantifying the Complexity of Road Intersections Using Open Data of Traffic Accidents – Insights from a Case Study in Munich, pages 1–2
- Sensor based extended floating bicycle data (xFBD) analysis, pages 1–3
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- Perspectives on making cartographic knowledge accessible to software developers, pages 1–2
- Spatio-temporal comparison of agent trajectory with evacuation routes in real and virtual environments, pages 1–2
- Visual search performance in maps by Brazilian population, pages 1–2
- The Use of Virtual Environments in Geoscience Education, pages 1–3
- Building a virtual cartographic museum, pages 1–1
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Concept for the historic parks' tactile maps development, pages 1–2
- Evaluating the information value of tactile maps, pages 1–1
- Usability of building information modeling (BIM) for generating virtual geographic environments (VGEs), pages 1–1
- Spatio-temporal comparison of agent trajectory with evacuation routes in real and virtual environments, pages 1–2
Lally, N. Langa, K. Lanini-Maggi, S.- The impact of landmark visualization style on expert wayfinders’ cognitive load during navigation, pages 1–3
- Making history accessible to people with visual impairments through interactive tangible 3D models, pages 1–2
- Investigating the Effect of Display Pixel Density on the Minimal Legible Size of Cartographic Symbols, pages 1–2
- Towards Reproducible User Studies and Behavioral Experiments for Cartography With the stimsrv Framework, pages 1–2
- Cartographic sources for the reconstruction of the Syro-Palestinian landscape in the Late Antiquity, pages 1–2
- Supervised learning for automated feature selection in road network generalization, pages 1–2
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Hurricane and waste collection simulations on QGIS for improving post-hurricane waste collection, pages 1–2
- A non-navigational TIN-DDM automatic synthesis algorithm that takes into account the accurate determination of terrain features and full expression of topography, pages 1–2
- Automatic cleaning of outliers in multibeam bathymetric data with clustering algorithm, pages 1–2
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Visualizing and Evaluating the Geocoding Uncertainty in Social Sensing for Disaster Management, pages 1–3
- Spatial Knowledge Acquisition During MR-based Navigation in Complicated Environments, pages 1–1
- Knowledge visualization with location-based concept mapping in mixed reality, pages 1–2
- Satellite Mapping of Urban Expansion and Landscape Changes in Beijing, China: A Longitudinal Study, pages 1–1
- Leveraging High-Performance Computing to Visualize Big Data on the Web – an Illustrative Case Study, pages 1–2
- Erwin Raisz’ Atlases – multi-method storytelling-approaches for cartographic communication, pages 1–1
- The Atlas as Gazetteer – facilitating historical research by enriching digital place names databases with digitized atlas indexes, pages 1–1
- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
De Maeyer, P. Di Marco, D. Ma, A. Macedoni, P.- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
- Historical Atlas of Poland 2.0 – over 140 years of joint work of historians and cartographers, pages 1–2
- Do authors look at their maps in different way than common readers? An eye-tracking study, pages 1–1
- Web Maps of Regional Attractiveness, pages 1–2
- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- Visualizing and Evaluating the Geocoding Uncertainty in Social Sensing for Disaster Management, pages 1–3
- Urban Policy Observatory Programme for Sustainable Cities and Communities Mapping in Poland, pages 1–2
- Selecting Usability Heuristics to Evaluate Responsive Maps: Case Study WebGIS UFPR CampusMap, pages 1–2
- Spatial searches for journal articles, pages 1–2
- Translating the Earth: Practices, Tools, and Credibility in Eighteenth Century Cave Surveys, pages 1–1
- Forest in Military Through Cartography: the Case of the McCrady Training Base, pages 1–2
- Forests as Protagonists on Battlefields: the case studies of Rivers Bridge and Honey Hill Through the Lens of a HGIS, pages 1–2
- The 1968 Antarctic Italian CAI-CNR mission: a story map to rediscover an almost unknown geographical exploration, pages 1–2
- Cultural heritage and awareness: differences between volunteered geographic information of OpenStreetMap and an official cartography. The case of Caserta in South-Italy, pages 1–2
- Which mapping technique for population density is effective, attractive, and suggestive?, pages 1–1
- Field sketching – today and at the beginning of professional military mapping, pages 1–1
- Quantitative, orderly and qualitative visualisation of urban environment, pages 1–2
- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- Personalisation of data-driven storytelling, pages 1–4
- Quantitative Content Analysis of Maps on Twitter using network visualization and pre-trained machine learning models, pages 1–2
- A Climate Event Portal co-created by Citizen Scientists, pages 1–2
- Precision Mapping of Apple Proliferation using Multi- and Hyperspectral Data, pages 1–2
- Toward a New ICA Research Agenda, pages 1–2
- The reading strategies of a map-based dashboard – acquisition and assessment, pages 1–2
- Historical Cartography Analysis for a Design of Cultural Itineraries in the Lower Guadalquivir, pages 1–2
- Mapping in words: Standardizing cartographic terminology, pages 1–3
- Toward a New ICA Research Agenda, pages 1–2
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
- Reliability of bathymetric data in Italian nautical charts and ENCs, pages 1–2
- The Lebanese nautical cartographic plan development, pages 1–2
- Development of electronic nautical charts for pleasure boating market with high-density data, pages 1–1
- Decoding spatial formatting: the analysis of the world order through educational atlases, pages 1–2
- Abstraction and Reality. Dealing with …, pages 1–1
- Concept for the historic parks' tactile maps development, pages 1–2
- Evaluating the information value of tactile maps, pages 1–1
- Socio-economic map of Africa, pages 1–1
Nacu, A. Nardini, R. Nass, A. Natsume, M. Ndlovu, V. Neme-Lozano, J. Nestel, C.- Aesthetics in Cartographic Epistemology, pages 1–2
- A Sound-Strata Map of Port Hope, pages 1–1
- Let’s name it together: VGI, social media and local heritage in traditional toponyms research, pages 1–2
- Empirical Study on Recognition of Spatial Patterns in Choropleth Maps Using Hexagonal Shaped Units, pages 1–2
Oertle, D.- Visual complexity and memorability of maps, pages 1–2
- Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland, pages 1–2
- Suitability of colour hue, value, and transparency for geographic relevance encoding in mobile maps, pages 1–2
- Modelling and building of a graph database of multi-source landmarks to help emergency mountain rescuers, pages 1–2
- Lessons learned from a VGI initiative for Land Use monitoring, pages 1–3
Paiva, C. Palma, V. Panecki, T.- Charles Perthées maps of palatinates: a project of digital edition, pages 1–2
- Historical Atlas of Poland 2.0 – over 140 years of joint work of historians and cartographers, pages 1–2
- Cartographic sources for the reconstruction of the Syro-Palestinian landscape in the Late Antiquity, pages 1–2
- Measuring Closest Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Facilities in Unhoused Communities of Los Angeles, USA, pages 1–1
- Reimagining measures of spatial access to health care in lowand middle-income countries: using road network analysis to validate self-reported perceptions of geospatial barriers, pages 1–1
- Classifying Tourists’ Photos and Exploring Tourism Destination Image Using a Deep Learning Model, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- Evaluation of Large Scale Online Maps, pages 1–1
- Upgrade of existing algorithms for creating contour lines on topographic maps in karst surface, pages 1–2
- Presenting Multilevel Environment on Orienteering Maps, pages 1–1
- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
- Modelling and Repeating Early Photographic Positions with Aerial Drones, pages 1–2
- Forest in Military Through Cartography: the Case of the McCrady Training Base, pages 1–2
- Forests as Protagonists on Battlefields: the case studies of Rivers Bridge and Honey Hill Through the Lens of a HGIS, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
- Diagnosis of the current situation of the cadastre and its relationship with systematic topographic mapping, pages 1–2
- The lack of topographic mapping and the historical problem of land demarcation in Brazil, pages 1–2
- Revealing map reading strategies of physical geographic maps, pages 1–1
- Do authors look at their maps in different way than common readers? An eye-tracking study, pages 1–1
- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland, pages 1–2
- Characterizing Storytelling in COVID-19 Cartographic Journalism, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- An innovative global cloudless satellite map, pages 1–1
- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
Qing, L.R
Rapcsán, K. Raposo, P. Rautenbach, V.- Student generated digital media and community-based learning within a COVID-19 induced landscape: Lessons from the field, pages 1–2
- An exploratory digital environment for learning about southern African pre-colonial urbanism – A usability study, pages 1–3
- Suitability of colour hue, value, and transparency for geographic relevance encoding in mobile maps, pages 1–2
- Using thematic mapping and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal indicator data to investigate environmental factors related to the spread of COVID-19, pages 1–3
- The promise of dasymetric maps for monitoring progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, pages 1–3
- High resolution land use map for eco-hydrological modelling from IACS/LPIS geodata conflation, pages 1–2
- Introducing a QGIS technical supplement for Mapping for a Sustainable World, pages 1–2
- The promise of dasymetric maps for monitoring progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, pages 1–3
- The Making of Mapping for a Sustainable World, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Hurricane and waste collection simulations on QGIS for improving post-hurricane waste collection, pages 1–2
- Historical Atlas of Poland 2.0 – over 140 years of joint work of historians and cartographers, pages 1–2
- Enabling citizens to refine the location accuracy of cadastre boundary markers by gamified VGI, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
Le Sourd, G. Sack, C. M.- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Using interactive StoryMaps for presenting the work of an 18th century architect, pages 1–2
- Re-Building a Historical Cityscape with Virtual Reality, pages 1–2
- St Gallen Globe Online, pages 1–2
- Discovering spatiotemporal patterns on data quality assessment in collaborative mapping: A preliminary study in an area of Brazil, pages 1–3
- Evaluating distances using pictorial symbols in Augmented Reality Systems for indoor environments, pages 1–2
- Selecting Usability Heuristics to Evaluate Responsive Maps: Case Study WebGIS UFPR CampusMap, pages 1–2
- Spatial searches for journal articles, pages 1–2
- Spatial searches for journal articles, pages 1–2
- Historical statistical atlases, pages 1–2
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
- Design and Implementation of Narrative Map Based on Hand Scroll – An Example of Zheng He's voyage to the West, pages 1–2
- Preliminary study on knowledge graph construction based on the coupling mechanism of urban disaster and emergency response, pages 1–2
- Personalized Landmark Sequence Recommendation Method using LSTM-based Network for Navigating in Large Hospitals, pages 1–2
- Storytelling in Interactive Atlases – Following the Intrinsic Map-Centered Approach, pages 1–1
- Inferring Implicit 3D Representations from Human Figures on Pictorial Maps, pages 1–2
- Web Maps of Regional Attractiveness, pages 1–2
- Diagnosis of the current situation of the cadastre and its relationship with systematic topographic mapping, pages 1–2
- Identifying Map-Reading, Map-Using, and Map-Generating tasks in a crowdsourcing context, pages 1–2
- The lack of topographic mapping and the historical problem of land demarcation in Brazil, pages 1–2
- An end-user evaluation to explore the effectiveness of cartograms for mapping spatial accessibility, pages 1–2
- The Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Perception & Cognition of Map Symbols, pages 1–2
- The platform eDIVE: A Solution for the Geography Education in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment, pages 1–2
- Spatio-temporal comparison of agent trajectory with evacuation routes in real and virtual environments, pages 1–2
- Visual search performance in maps by Brazilian population, pages 1–2
- Building a virtual cartographic museum, pages 1–1
- Map use in lessons: a videostudy findings, pages 1–1
- Definition of headwater catchment boundaries, pages 1–1
- International cartographic education progress: a bibliometric analysis of ICCs literature, pages 1–1
- Cartography between reality and fiction: The maps by Albert Herrmann (1886–1945) of Chott el-Djerid, pages 1–2
- Study of Old City Plan With Help of Historical Ontology of Urban Spaces – Legend Reconstruction, pages 1–2
- User Study on Informationally Equivalent Thematic Maps for Map Use Tasks, pages 1–2
- Historical Atlas of Poland 2.0 – over 140 years of joint work of historians and cartographers, pages 1–2
Takahashi, A. Takayanagi, S.- How do People Make Decisions with/without Smartphones While Walking in the City?, pages 1–1
- Location of art gallery in urban areas: A GIS based analysis in Shinagawa ward, Tokyo, pages 1–2
- Cybercartography Revisited, pages 1–1
- Cartography in the Social Media Era: A New Balance and Synthesis, pages 1–2
- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- Cartography in the Social Media Era: A New Balance and Synthesis, pages 1–2
- Integrating Cybercartography and Cybernetics in the Circle of All Nations Indigenous mapping exemplar of William Commanda, pages 1–1
- Reliability of bathymetric data in Italian nautical charts and ENCs, pages 1–2
- Development of electronic nautical charts for pleasure boating market with high-density data, pages 1–1
- Mapping the balance between grain supply and demand globally – GIS-based transport accessibility, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
- Shadows Eclipse Relief Shading, pages 1–2
- Focus on Orientation to Represent Terrain, pages 1–2
- Ancient Thoughts and Electric Buildings, pages 1–2
- Hurricane and waste collection simulations on QGIS for improving post-hurricane waste collection, pages 1–2
- The sense of North, pages 1–3
- The Florentine art of cartography: Rosselli’s ‘Fiorenza’ and early map printing in the Italian Renaissance, pages 1–2
Ugwitz, P.- Building a virtual cartographic museum, pages 1–1
- Towards the large-scale extraction of historical land cover information from historical maps, pages 1–2
- Introducing Web Mapping: A Workbook for Interactive Cartography and Visualization on the Open Web, pages 1–2
Varanka, D. E. Vasquez, A. Vavassori, A.- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- The new geospatial data of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Italy): a geomatic challenge, pages 1–2
- Spatial and temporal evaluation of perennial vegetation distribution in the arid areas surrounding North Horr city, pages 1–2
- Integration of quantitative analysis and local community involvement for wildfire risk mapping: a case study from an Alpine valley, pages 1–2
- 3D-printed models of Czech architectural monuments for people with severe visual impairment, pages 1–2
- Making history accessible to people with visual impairments through interactive tangible 3D models, pages 1–2
- Approaches for infographics evaluation in maps, pages 1–2
- Approaches for infographics evaluation in maps, pages 1–2
- Bottom-Up Approach for Cartography Body of Knowledge Design, pages 1–2
- Toward a New ICA Research Agenda, pages 1–2
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
Wabiński, J.- Concept for the historic parks' tactile maps development, pages 1–2
- Evaluating the information value of tactile maps, pages 1–1
- Comparative study of foreign visitors’ perceptions of places by analyzing visual content of photographs, pages 1–1
- Role of maps and public street signs in wayfinding behaviour of foreign visitors, pages 1–1
- Spatial Knowledge Acquisition During MR-based Navigation in Complicated Environments, pages 1–1
- Knowledge visualization with location-based concept mapping in mixed reality, pages 1–2
- Data Visualization Design for NSFC Joint Fund Management, pages 1–1
- A combined flood risk assessment with SWMM hydrological modelling and AHP based on multi-criteria decision-making, pages 1–1
- Establishing a Cartographic Body of Knowledge, pages 1–2
- International cartographic education progress: a bibliometric analysis of ICCs literature, pages 1–1
- A combined flood risk assessment with SWMM hydrological modelling and AHP based on multi-criteria decision-making, pages 1–1
- The Adaptive Erasmus Mundus Cartography M.Sc. Program in the Covid-19 Pandemic from a Student’s Perspective, pages 1–2
- A non-navigational TIN-DDM automatic synthesis algorithm that takes into account the accurate determination of terrain features and full expression of topography, pages 1–2
- Automatic cleaning of outliers in multibeam bathymetric data with clustering algorithm, pages 1–2
- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- Change only updating the 1:25 000 Swiss National Map, pages 1–2
- Mix Your Own Data Cocktail Served with A Slice of Adobe, pages 1–1
- Using interactive StoryMaps for presenting the work of an 18th century architect, pages 1–2
- Re-Building a Historical Cityscape with Virtual Reality, pages 1–2
- Understanding Election Results with Different Types of Maps, pages 1–2
- Towards A Smart Campus: From Basemap to Sensors, pages 1–2
- Mountain faces, pages 1–2
Xia, T. Xu, H.Y
Yang, J. Yang, M.- Visualizing and Evaluating the Geocoding Uncertainty in Social Sensing for Disaster Management, pages 1–3
- Satellite Mapping of Urban Expansion and Landscape Changes in Beijing, China: A Longitudinal Study, pages 1–1
- The Heian-kyo Site’s Database and Platform: Their Construction and Utilization, pages 1–2
- Construction of an old-map framework for promoting historical GIS research and education, pages 1–2
- Where and why there: location analytics of routine occurrences (LARO) with a case study on traffic accidents, pages 1–2
- Will cognitive mapping hinder Alzheimer’s Disease?, pages 1–2
Del Zompo, M. Zagata, K.- Story from Realm of Maps in Regensburg, pages 1–1
- Citizen contribution to lake water quality observation: SIMILE project Mobile and Web applications, pages 1–2
- Maps of first orienteering events, pages 1–2
- Visualizing and Evaluating the Geocoding Uncertainty in Social Sensing for Disaster Management, pages 1–3
- Piloting the use of machine learning methods for automatic mapping of streams and ditches in Finland, pages 1–2
- Personalized Landmark Sequence Recommendation Method using LSTM-based Network for Navigating in Large Hospitals, pages 1–2
- Investigations towards enabling a Web-based environmental geospatial information system (Web-EGIS) in EnviDat, pages 1–1
- Open Data – Open Software: Implementing Geospatial Requirements in EnviDat with an Open-Source Stack, pages 1–1
Árvai, V.Ç
Çöltekin, A.- Visual complexity and memorability of maps, pages 1–2
- Assessing legend designs for coordinated and multiple views geovisualizations, pages 1–2
Öztireli, A. C.Č
Čerba, O.- Web Maps of Regional Attractiveness, pages 1–2
Šašinka, Č.- The platform eDIVE: A Solution for the Geography Education in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment, pages 1–2
- Visual search performance in maps by Brazilian population, pages 1–2